Chapter 27: 8 letters ♥️

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"It's the final chapter, so trust me it's worth the read. Let's go! (Romance alert!🔞)"

Ivy's pov

(These words are so f*ckin hard to say.) "Break up with me Lino..." She just didn't respond. I felt like it was something I had to do but my heart was sinking. It was against me. She had been through hell because of me and my issues. The hurdles weren't ending and it seemed like the danger I brought to her was escalating. I couldn't risk her life for my love. "Are you listening to me?" I asked in a low tone.

(This is so hard.) I thought as I bowed 'til my forehead rested on the stirring wheel.

"Yea I am." She sat up and scooted closer. I felt her warm hand touch my right cheek. She slowly turned my face to her direction, we made eye contact. She held and caressed my face with both her hands. The next thing she did was just smile. (Don't....Why are you looking hurt already? N-no...)

She then whispered calmly. "Look into my eyes and say those words again Ivy."

I couldn't do it. She actually knew I wouldn't do it while looking at her. My emotions were going haywire. (What to do now? She makes me feel so weak with that look.) I just closed my eyes shut and slowly groaned. I think she knew how frustrated and indecisive I was feeling at that time, because the next thing she did was crashing her soft lips against mine.

Slowly, our lips linked and moved in sync. She then softly bit my bottom lip and sucked on it gently. Which made me groan again. With that, I returned the pleasure too. I kissed her like it was my first time tasting those sweet lips of hers. It was how I got hooked in the first place. She let out a soft moan. (Damn, this won't end good.) I slowly kissed her jawline, down to her neck. She gripped harder on my shoulders. "I-Ivy..." She breathlessly whispered my name. (F*ck.) I gently layed a kiss on her neck and then whispered to her ear.

"Say my name like that again and you'll be marked sweetheart." I felt her shiver. (Damn I'm going crazy.)

"Someone is feeling better now. I had to make you stop." She giggled before continuing. "I won't break up with you. Even if you decide to do it. I won't."


She cut me off by laying her index finger on my lips. "Shhh, listen to me. If you're scared of more danger coming my way then you're late. I got into this knowing I had fallen for the devil. When I asked you to show me your world and let me in it. I knew I was letting hell loose. I love you Ivy Sinner and I'm prepared to face everything by your side because I know. I know no matter what happens to me you'll always be there by my side also. That's how much trust I have in us and in my love for you. Trust me, you won't get rid of me that easily." She ended it all with a warm smile.

"Are you even real?" That was all I could ask.

"No, I'm a mythical creature. A Phoenix, I always rise from the ashes babe."

"Lino..." We both giggled and I just hugged her tightly after that. She also held on tight. "I'm never letting you go. I promise." (She's warrior, I'm lucky to have her. She's indeed my strength.)

"Let's face everything together, ya." She scrubbed my back gently.

"Te ámo." (And I don't think I'll ever stop.)

Lino's pov

"I won't force you to come with me Lino." My mom said. (I didn't expect that.)

Ivy decided to enter our apartment, so we could speak with mom. Well I thought he was gonna leave me outside but we had to face my mother together eventually. So after we took a seat, those were the surprising words my mother said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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