Chapter 13: "Light Up The Sky"

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"If I got a day off then it's date night"🎶's date night baby! Prepare whatever snack you got. Relax a bit, free your imagination. Be there through all this (kinda like a third wheel.😉😹) I want you to visualise it when you read. Teenromance alert!😜 I can't help my self. All the Sinners are there (the 3 of em😉😉😉ah)

Lino's pov

It's crazy how Chris is my friend but I miss so much about his life now. I mean before we were always hanging out with each other after school and in the mornings but now the guy is always busy. Plus...he's a ladies man now. Chilling with him this morning was really awesome. "So tell me Good-lookin, what have you been up to lately?...And a lil birdy told me something."

"What? Do you hang out with birds now Chris?"

"Yeah, I'm so handsome even birds can see it. I'm like a prince in every girls fairy tale sweety." He winked at me (here we go with the cockiness.)

"Ahhh blah blah blah" I gave him an eyeroll and he just giggled. "Your cockiness is too much Chris, you know that?"

"And I bet you like it." He replied with a grin on his face.

I just laughed at him. "Whatever what did the birdy tell you?"

He kept quiet for a while and just gazed at me. "What? Speak up!" Then he gave me a tiny smirk.

"You are seeing Mr-Grumpy-Ivy" he said sarcastically.

" what?"

"Since when are you into bad things Lino? Do you trust this guy? Goo-"

"Chris you worry too much. Ivy can never harm me,  okay?" I gave him a reassuring look.

"You know I care about you and if he dares hurt you in anyway, I won't spare him...I mean look at these guns girl." He started flexing his arms for me and we just laughed. What would I do without this crazy guy?

"I can never hurt her. She's my life."

A deep familiar voice said behind us. We both turned and Ivy was standing there with his eyes filled with furry. I just took a few steps closer to him and we shared a tight hug. I leaned to his ear so I can whisper. "Calm down bbe, he just cares for me." He nodded a bit and I broke the hug. (Damn he look's hot when he is jealous.)

"Chris meet Ivy and Ivy this is Chris." And they both just gave me a dull look.

"We already know each other Good-lookin." Chris told me and Ivy gave him a fist pump. (Whew! That's a relief.)

"Okay I have somethings to take care of." He winked and pointed at some group of girls. "Later love birds."

After a while Chris had left, Ivy just kept on starring at me. I couldn't tell if he was happy or angry. "Do you really have to hang out with him?" (Here we go again...)

"He hasn't done anything wrong the guy has his own adventurous life, trust me."

"I just can't help it. You used him to make me jealous before...remember?"

"Yeah and it was fun." I giggled

"Ow really? So you like this side of me." He pulled me close and held my waist. His brown beautiful eyes were constantly gazing at me.

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