Chapter 10: "Trust"

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Lino's pov

Today Am was going to take me for shopping after class. I need something to wear on my date with Ivy tomorrow night. It's like I'm slowly finding a new beautiful chapter in my life and it has Ivy in it. But this had to get out of my mind for a while. I have work to do plus I'm thinking of finding a part-time job. A girl needs some money of her own. Ivy and Sam went to see their basketball coach after dropping us. We didn't talk much this morning. They seemed to be in a hurry, maybe it's because Ivy just joined in or something.

Thursdays are never busy but this one was, in a strange way if I may say. Lecturers were pacing around with phones. Not even one class had started at that time. Students kept on whispering and pointing at the headmaster. "Lino" Am was sitting besides me in the cafeteria when I suddenly heard her calling my name but something didn't feel right. I turned to face her so she could continue. "Don't you think something is wrong? I mean look how weird everyone is behaving." She wasn't lying. Just as I was about to respond to her. We heard a police car pull over. The headmaster went to have a word with them. (And I'm still wondering what the f*ck is going on.)

"Why are you guys so relaxed?" (Can you stop f*ckin startling me all the time? Jeez)

"Damn Steve, can't you greet or something?" I said  "you almost caused me a heart attack you creepy nerd but I guess you know what your father's stupid police minions are doing here."

"They aren't stupid. It's like you're saying the law is stupid. Girl have some respect." (Pssh Of course it is stupid.)

"Just shoot already. What the hell is going on?" I could tell Am was getting impatient.

"The mayor's daughter Amanda has gone missing."

"What?!" Am and I asked at the same time.

"Yup, we all know she does whatever she wants but this time I think nearly a whole week has passed and no one knows where that girl is. An investigation started in the past few days" Steve explained. Amanda was one of the 'populars'. Having her at your party was a thrill, that girl knows how to throw her father's money around. I understood why everyone was panicking so much. When a princess goes missing, the whole kingdom must show some care I guess.

"And why do we get to know about this now? Doesn't this girl have friends who might have a clue or something?" My heart started to beat fast and that Monday incident came to my mind. What if that guy took her?

"The police are here for some questioning I guess. As for her friends, they are right there crying like babies." He pointed towards the reception chairs. Two girls were seated there.

"Lino I think we should try and ask around too. Maybe that could help" Am said "and we can get some clues on her last encounters."

"I'll come with you guys" Steve offered "it's the least I can do."

This week is just filled with drama everyday. Can't a girl find some piece? We decided to spread out and get some help. That made things a whole lot faster and easier but we still didn't get any trace. None of these students had been with her the past past few days. If she was kidnapped, then real professionals had taken her. They didn't leave any trace and the police just looked ridiculous. We were given flyers to place in public places like the mall and we posted some on Facebook. I went to the washroom to relax a bit and splash some water on my face.

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