Chapter 12: "It's you"

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Ivy's pov

"Eyo Sam, where you at?!" I shouted the moment I opened the door. I really don't know why this text made me panic so much. It was like Lino's life was in danger.

"Ivy man..." I turned to face his way and a girl was standing next to him, half naked. "...can't you see I'm busy? huh?"

"Ow, can we talk in private?" I pointed to the kitchen and he followed.

"So what made you shout like a f*ckin maniac dude? And at this time of the night, where were you?"

"I should be the one asking questions here mom..." I said sarcastically. "what the f*ck is this?" I showed him the unknown text and he just looked emotionless.

"I didn't do this man, just look how creepy this text is. You can ask Andiswa if he knows anything or-" he got cutted by a yawn. "you have a stalker?" He said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah I also thought about that. But who could it be? I need a cold bath right now, just to cool my self down a bit...and yeah sorry about your chick." I said trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yeah whatever dude"

I only had a few hours left to sleep. I still can't believe I drove in the middle of the night to see Lino. What could I do? I love her. So much that I couldn't let just a small meaningless argument tear us apart. While I was laying in bed, deep in thoughts about Lino. My phone vibrated...a call from my sweetheart. (Just what I need.)

"Hey Ivy" she greeted in a soft tone.

"Hey babe, is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just wanted to know if you arrived safely?" (Ow she's worried about me.)

"Yeah and you know no one can touch this...I'm invincible baby."

"Hah cocky much, go to sleep now-"

"even though I have a few hours left"

"And who's fault is it?" She held in a laugh. "I never asked you to come here in the middle of the night." I could hear her giggle over the phone.

"Did you think I would let you go just like that? You are worth fighting for. I would have been incomplete without you Lino."

"D-Do you really mean that?" I knew she was blushing because everytime she does her voice breaks. Either she'll keep quiet or stummer.

"From the bottom of my heart. You're blushing babe"

"No I'm do you know?" She whispered

"I just do but you don't know how much I wanna kiss you right now. I'm missing you so bad." I rusply whispered back at her.

"I'm missing you too even thought I just saw you hours ago, it feels like ages." My heart just melted

"Allow me to dream of you a bit now, good night sweetheart." I said with my eyes half opened.

"Good night...I-I"

"Please just say already own my heart."

"I love you Ivy." Then she hung up on me. I'm so gonna get her for this.

I didn't really expect to wake up early but I did. I took a bath and made some cereal. Today was the day, my date with Lino. I hope what I've planned will be enough to see a smile on her face. The sparkle in her eyes. How she expresses her thoughts without speaking but with just looking at me. Her beauty that's beyond compare. (Is this how love feels? 'Cause I would pay millions to have this feeling forever. But Lino...she's worth more than that...damn I lov-)

"Hellow my dear sir..." Andiswa cutted me off my thoughts as he waved his hand in front of my face. "man what's with you these days?"

"Nothing dude" I continued eating.

"He is in Love, Love, Love!" Sam shouted in a singing tone. "The big L man, the big L." He patted Andiswa's shoulder as they nodded like idiots.

"Okay now I see...that's why he was in wonderland." Andiswa said sarcastically

"Get a life guys"

I didn't mention the text. I just kept quiet, if something like this happens again then I'll deal with it. I don't have time to worry today. It's a new beautiful day.

"You got a message man" Sam handed my phone to me.

•Our dinner has been cancelled. I have some important matters to attend son. I'm going to Johannesburg for a few days. Maybe I'll arrange something next week. Hasta luego. •~Uncle Vic

I felt relieved because I wasn't really looking forward to having an awkward dinner with uncle.

"Ivy we heading out!" Andiswa shouted

School was dull as always but the atmosphere changed as I saw my baby...with a guy next to her. (Damn it's that Chris guy, handle your self Ivy. Just chill...)

Uncle Victor's short pov

"This f*ckin idiot Phoenix always ruins my plans. Now I have to take care of this dead body!"


Love is in the air and danger is lurking around. Tell me your thoughts about this chapter.❤

Song suggestion: Big plans by Why don't we

Random question💌 : Ask me one😉

winter out!🖤👑

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