Chapter 23: "You can't leave me" (Part1)

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"I've been a little busy lately but I do promise that each minute and second I get will not go in vain. Anyway, let's get to it!❤"

Ivy's pov

"H-how did it get to this? Y-you weren't supposed to die. Our relationship was going to be given another chance....I was ready to forget the past." My mind was going crazy, controlling the tears that were flowing down my cheeks was hard. Thoughts in my head were going haywire.

(I thought I had everything planned. We were supposed to get Lino back and bring justice to those who suffered in Mark's hand. I should've went along with you.)

"N-no y-you can't leave me like this..."

Everyone was in shock. I wasn't sure if mother was going to make it either. I just couldn't afford to loose three important people in my life at the same time. (Everyone is slipping away. What am I gonna do?)

~several hours back~

(Tonight I'm getting you back Lino.) We had just a few minutes before our mission started. Uncle Victor was going to head over to Boulevard with Mark for the shipment. As far as we knew Mark was clueless about everything. If he had to find out, uncle's life was going to be in danger. He would literally kill him at the spot for betraying him and siding with his enemies.

Everything was discussed during our Thursday meeting. The police were going to invade in silence. Some of them were already disguised as one of the guards working for Mark. In my opinion, I thought it was weird for Mark to not notice the recent guards that had joined in or maybe it's because uncle had brought them. Still...something didn't feel right.

The police were gonna arrive at the scene to catch Mark red handed. Little did they know I had a plan of my own also. I didn't want to put all my trust in the police plus the officer had forbidden me to come with them. Who does that? The guy knew about my promise to Lino. After all those meetings and discussions we had. Me and my gang were going to keep watch of everything and strike incase something goes wrong.

I really couldn't entrust them with Lino's life. To make it worse, both mother and uncle agreed to this nonsense of leaving me behind. "I can't put your life in danger Iviwe. Brother wants you dead and you also have a lot of rage held against him. Things could go out of control." Said uncle

"But uncle I need to save Li-"

He cut me off. "I know son but your anger could cost us a lot. You've trusted me with Linomsa's life so far. I'll bring her back, okay?" He was trying his best to convince me

but I was still going to do what I wanted.

(Let me just relax.) "Okay uncle, I'll leave everything to you." I had to lie to him or we would've had a pointless and time wasting argument. (I'm sorry uncle but I promised Lino that I'll bring her back...even her mother too.)

"Look after your mother while I'm gone. Goodbye now, I have to meet up with Mark." Something about his words made me feel anxious. (Why does my heart feel so heavy?)

"Good luck uncle."

Time went by and the more hours passed, the more I felt even more anxious. We were at uncle's place and only mother and Chris were with me. Amethyst was with Lino's mom at their apartment, keeping her calm. It was time.

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