Chapter 16: "FATE"

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No alerts, just free your imagination. Read, enjoy and tell me your thoughts when you're done yah.❤

Lino's pov

Ivy was left off guard, you can't trap Lino like that. School hasn't been normal since a lot of students have been missing lately and the crazy thing is this is happening to only the girls. The security is more tight. In a very annoying way trust me. Every corner I turn in these corridors there's a guard starring at me. The police haven't found anything...yeah they won't rest 'til the mayor's daughter is found. It's all about her now. Anyway, we had our normal classes and we did our assignments. During the lunch I got to chat with my girl Am.

"Where are the boys actually?" Am asked

"They went to see coach or something...ow you miss Sam already?"

"No I didn't say that." She blushed

"Speaking of Sam, girl tell me how all this happened. I mean you hated the guy, you hated his face, his voice and all that but now.... Just explain please."

"I couldn't stop my heart. I couldn't control my feelings. I fell for him." She explained sincerely. "We spent a lot of time together and the more we did, the more I got to learn what kind of a person he is inside, besides his goofiness. Which is kinda cute." (Yup she's into deep.)

"Whow! So you like his goofiness now huh? I think I'm dreaming." We both laughed out loud.

"But I have one important question."


"Are you happy? Are you truly happy Amethyst?"

"Yes I am. Why? Are you worried or something?"

"Because if he breaks your heart or make you cry. He's gonna be dead, you know that. I don't wanna see tears in your eyes." (I really mean that.)

"Damn I haven't seen you so serous in like forever. Thank you babe."

"De nada."

"Ow Ivy got you speaking Spanish now?" We bursted in laugh.

After our classes ended we both waited for the boys near Ivy's Lamborghini. They really took long but eventually they showed up. "Hey ladies" Ivy greeted with a big grin. (He looks too happy, I wonder what's he up to.)

"Babe...Are you high?" I asked with my head tilted.

"Nope but I wish I was."


"Once a once stoner, always a stoner babe. Okay let's go now yah. I'mma drop these two at the mall."

"Why the mall?" Am asked

"Sam knows...let's go."

"Aw come on!" Am whined

After dropping Am and Sam, we went for some Ice cream at KFC. "Okay babe we going to my apartment for a cuddle-movie session, after this yah.

"With the guys and Andiswa?" (He is a strange creepy guy.)

"The guys won't be there 'til midnight and I have some things to do at that time too....Even Sam won't be available. He needs some time with his girl."

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