Chapter 21: "More Trouble?"

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"Get ready for more drama and suspense. If you're reading this right now, you've come really far with me. I would've reached this chapter if it wasn't for your support. I really appreciate it.😍🔥 love you!....anyway lets escape to IvyxLino's world!❤"


Ivy's pov

Attending my classes was a bit hard. We had to keep on studying too even though the atmosphere was just dead. A lot of girls were missing. Some didn't even want to come to college anymore. They feared what might happen to them if they did come or even leave their houses.

I woke up on Saturday morning, feeling sad as ever. I missed how I usually just went to Lino each time I felt alone. I had to bear everything. Mother prepared breakfast and after I freshened up I went to join them. I wasn't feeling like facing anyone nor talk. Her and uncle were already digging in.

"Ow come and join us son." Said mother

I sat down and just zoned out. I wasn't feeling hungry at all. How could I eat all that great food, while I had no clue what Lino was eating. (Do they even give her food there? Damn!)

"Why aren't you eating Iviwe?" Asked uncle

"I can't..." I gave him a dull reply.

"Come on, just try. You haven't been eating lately. Ivy you need your strength." Mother held my hand, which gave me a warm feeling.

"No Mah..." I looked away

"Ivy-" mother got cut off by uncle

"You're worried about her. If she's even eating at all?" Uncle asked with sincerity. It seemed like he always knew what I needed or what I was thinking every single time. He knew me like his own son. I kept quiet, I didn't know how to reply to him.

"I'll go check on her and sneak in something for her to eat. Don't worry."

"Thank you uncle." I felt relieved a little.

"Ow now you have a smile on your face? You truly care for her son. I can see that in your eyes. I hope nothing ruins your love." She liked Lino more than I could expect.

Mother had always told me that I might seem hardcore, strong and merciless but I'm still good at heart. She believed I would one day change and leave like a normal person, with a normal life. A life that doesn't include crime. Well crime is something that showed me what the world was like. How to survive in it. A corrupted and dark world...that Lino and only Lino would manage to get me out of.

"Eat now, I'm sure she would want you to eat also, my pierced rockstar." (That brings back memories.) She used to call me that after she saw I had piercings. Mother would say they made me look like a rockstar, especially the one on my nose. No matter what crazy things I did. She still accepted me for who I am.

I stood up and went to my room. Wore my black pants and a hoodie. The hoodie was huge, it hid half of my face. I took my car keys and gun. I just needed some air, be alone for sometime and think. Only one spot was meant for that.

"I'm going out and don't worry mom. I'll get something to eat on my way. I promise." I gave her smile before leaving.

Well I had to keep my promise. I stopped by the garage to get some snacks. I didn't know what to pick actually, I was roaming around. "Why don't you try this Ivy babe?" I heard a familiar voice. (Annoying b*tch Minnie!) She was standing in front of me with some cookies on her hand.

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