Chapter 7: "Mystery"

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Lino's pov

After a damn catastrophic day. Ivy offered to take me home. I really didn't want him to worry much but he insisted. He left me at the doorstep and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Pease take care of yourself Cutie. I'll be here tomorrow morning to pick you up. And your friend might join us too, if she doesn't mind." He said calmly. I know Am won't turn that offer down for sure. "I have to go now." His hand caressed my cheek. I felt my body shiver. Even his touch is incredible. "Thank you Ivy... For everything" I kept on looking at him. And I had this feeling in me ...I didn't want him to go. "If you keep on Looking at me like that, I might do more than just giving you a kiss." He winked. (Damn! this guy is unbelievable). "Goodbye Sweetheart."

What happened today was still on my mind. My kiss with Ivy. The fire between us. And the most important thing is he cares for me. But he hasn't said the L word yet. (Calm your self Lino, what about you? No one stopped you from confessing.) I've never got mugged before. I used to go to a Karate class when I was in primary. The urge of fighting will never leave me. When I heard that guy telling me not to move. The adrenaline rush took over. I wanted to snatch that gun without even thinking but I failed. "My ninja skills failed me." (Wtf Girl you ain't no ninja.)

"What Ninja skills are you talking about? And who's car I just heard taking off?" A female voice interrupted. "It was Ivy"

I had to tell Am everything that happened on my way back. She didn't take it well. It got her worried but knowing that Ivy was there gave her relief. After a long day I needed some rest. I was so tired. My body felt heavy. And I had this fucked up headache. (Man that bastard hit me hard!)

Ivy was gonna pick us up today. We got ready and chilled a bit while we waited for him. I think he was coming alone, I'm not sure.

"We kissed yesterday" I just blurted out.

I closed my ears and bit my lip. (Yup it's coming... Window glasses are about to shatter. Birds will scatter. Cars might stop on the streets. Here we go.) "Ahhh! OH MY GOD LINO! You guys did what?! Why didn't you tell me yesterday?! How was it?! Is he like the hot, rough, passionate type?! But he looks like he is." She was pacing around. Clapping her hands. Then we heard a car outside. "I think that's our ride. I'll tell you everything later yah."

Ivy came out and opened the front door for me. I took the front passenger seat and Am was gonna enter at the back. "Am I gonna be a third wheel or something?"

"Not really." Ivy said and gave me a naughty grin.

"What the hell is this Idiot doing here?!" Am shouted.

I haven't really met Ivy's friends and there was one at the back seat. "Ahh Lino and Am ... Meet my buddy Samkelo."

"Or you can just call me Sam." He took of his headsets. A smirk appeared on his face as he glanced at Am. (So this is the guy who gets on my friend's nerves. This is gonna be fun.)

Sam looked swaggy. Both his ears had piercings. He had a curly brown-ish afro. Fade cut. Dark brown eyes. His skin was darker than Ivy's. The guy is not that bad.

"Nice to mee-." Am cutted me off. "I am not sitting next to this jerk. No no no!"

"Am come on please... We gonna be late. You can ignore him." She relaxed a bit and Ivy stepped on the gass.

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