Chapter 11: "Can't let you go"

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🔥 ~Teenromance alert! So you better watch out. I'll try to not be extreme ya💘😉...

Lino's pov

Today was just a catastrophe, all I need is my bed. Early sleeping was never our thing. I guess Am was also tired because I found her sound asleep. Maybe I overreacted about all the Ivy-Minnie issue. Damn I don't know, jealousy, insecurities and my anger just collided. Growing up I didn't have much friends or peers to talk to. I kept my feelings and thoughts to my self. I loved being alone, even now but I guess being isolated did affect me. I really don't know how Am stands me. She's an angel I don't wanna loose and now that Ivy is in my life too...I'm pushing him away. I love him, but will I be able to match up to his standards? With his bad past, he deserves more than what I have to give.

I didn't mean to explode on him. It became a mess and I'm at fault. Ivy is just better of without me.

It was already midnight and I guess insomnia had hit me. I couldn't sleep at all. (Yeah because you're guilty and you didn't even give the guy a chance to explain Lino.) "Ahh Ivy, what am I gonna do now" I sighed. Suddenly my phone rang, a message from you know who.

Ivy~ 💘My hot fire dragon nearly burned me today but I think it has calm down now. We need to talk Lino.

(Wtf! Does he mean now?...and did he just call me a dragon)

Lino~ haha you are so funny😒. Do you mean right now? (I hope not, it's freezing out there.)

Ivy~ Yeah I'm outside sweetheart. You better come out or I'm breaking in. Choose😉

Lino~ You're annoying...

I was wearing my pajamas, pink short-shorts and a vest. Covering my self with a blankie was my only option. I closed the door slowly. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Ivy's car was parked near the streetlight. He was leaning on it looking really handsome like he is under the limelight instead. Ivy really liked wearing all black, black jeans and a black hoodie. (Damn he is so cute & I'm freezing here.) I slowly walked towards him. His eyes were still on me. I felt like I was gonna trip. "Look who decided to come out" he said calmly.

"I had no choice, did I?"

"There's always a choice Lino. Why are you standing so far away from me? Come I won't bite...unless you want me to."

Here were we go again, the bad Ivy I fell for is back. He came closer and held my hand, pulling me close to him. My cheeks started to burn. I hate blushing. Our eyes met, for a moment we were just standing there. I was starting to feel a little bit warm now that I was near him. His hand caressed my chick softly.

"Won't you give me a hug at least?" His voice sounded so calm and ruspy. (Damn! He's making me give in.)

"Did you call me here to hug me 'til the morning or what?"

"I can do more than just hugging you 'til the know that." He gave me a wink. "Get in the car."

He was still holding my hand even inside the car. "Did you think I would let go of you that easily? I didn't use you...I'm not using you Lino." We looked into each other's eyes again. He looked sincere. "What I feel for you is real. I know my past will keep on coming but all I need is you by my side. I'm sorry if I-" I cutted him off with my index finger on his lips. They felt warm and soft. I couldn't let him continue like this. The guilt was too much.

"It's my fault Ivy. I don't know what happened to me. I just exploded and...I-I'm s-sorry for what I said."

I don't know why my voice was stammering like that, a tear fell from my eye and he caught it. "Don't...please don't cry. I want your smile not tears. The Minnie issue was all a mistake and it has passed now. You can yell at me all you want but don't turn your back on me baby. I need you more than anything. I'm in love with you Lino."

"Wha-what?" I was stunned. He closed his eyes and sighed. Was it that hard for him to express how he felt? That's Ivy for you.

"I love you."

A cute smirk appeared on his face. His sparkly brown eyes lit up. As for me...I felt like my heart had stopped. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Ivy loves me...Iviwe Sinner is in love with me. What did I do to deserve all this? Am I dreaming? "Ivy I-" even words couldn't come out.

"It's okay, your eyes say it all. Have I told you how beautiful your eyes are?"

"No...not really and my eyes don't say anything silly." I teased

"Really?" His deep ruspy voice asked as he leaned in slowly, a seductive look filled his eyes. Our lips were an inch apart. I could feel his minty breath as his lips parted.

Ivy's pov

Damn I love the feeling she gives me. Her eyes just draw me in, I loose control when I'm close to her. Lino deserved to know how I feel before I could even loose her. I leaned in to her lips, her eyes closed within a second and she bit her bottom lip. "Damn Lino" I whispered. It's like she knows how much that turns me on. Before she could open her eyes again I grabed her waist and lifted her to my lap. We had a hot made out. Our lips were moving in sync. She started kissing down my neck and I let out a deep groan. (F*ck we need to stop before...)

"Uhhmmm...Lino is our date still on?"

"Definitely" she responded in a calm tone while she layed on my chest.

"Awesome, you have to get some rest now yah. You don't know what I could do to you next sweetheart." She gave me a cute smile and didn't respond. I love it when she blushes.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe."

After a few minutes she had left, I drove back missing her already. Her strawberry scent was still in my car and on me like she was with me at that time. I can't wait to spend some time with her on our date. While I was deep in thoughts my phone buzzed. A message from an unknown number. I just thought it was maybe one of Sam's pranks or something. That guy really likes to joke around but this message gave me a strange feeling.

"Enjoy the time you have left with her might regret it."

Why would Sam send me this? Is he crazy ...or I have a stalker now? I just kept on wondering. "Pssh I'll ask that f*cker when I get home..maybe I'm over thinking." I huffed

I didn't want Ivy to confess his love so early but then it was all so I couldn't stop writing😹😍❤. I just flowed and that wonderful moment was created.

Phases by Prettymuch (song suggestion💘😉)

Random question 💌: What's the main thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?

Love u!

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