Chapter 15: "Counting Hours"

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Kay Eph×Zamo as Ivy×Lino on the picture above

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Kay Eph×Zamo as Ivy×Lino
on the picture above

Teenromance alert! I'll try to not be extreme🖤

Lino's pov

(Monday mornings are the worst!) I thought to my self as I really didn't feel like getting out of bed. After a few minutes I just accepted my fate. I gotta get to school too. I didn't wanna overdress since it's a monday plus it was kinda chilly. (Maybe it might rain anytime soon.) "Some black jeans and my huge hoodie will do." I tied my braids and went to the kitchen to make something to eat, luckily Am had already made some sandwiches for us. My angel!

"Morning girl!"

"Hey sweetie!" Am replied not even looking at me but her phone. She really seemed distracted (-and is that a blush I just saw?)

"How are you?" I munched through my food. "You seem distracted." And guess what? she didn't reply.

"Ahh hello?! Earth to Amethyst!" I shouted as I snapped my fingers at her face. Finally she looked up and said "Ow sorry, yeah that's your plate. You can go on and eat." (What?!)

"Girl what plate? I'm nearly done eating here. Am you're acting weird, what's going on?"

"Nothing" she replied quickly.

"Who are you chatting with?" I started walking closer to her and she stepped backwards with her phone hid behind her. (What is this girl hidding?)

"It's no one Lino." Suddenly another message came in while I kept on walking closer towards her. I wanted to snatch her phone.

"Come on, reply to that. Maybe it's important..." I tried to take a peek.

"Nah it's not."

She looked really suspicious and before she could make another move I quickly snatched her phone and checked it. It had a message from (...Sam?!)

"Lino give it back!" She tried running towards me but couldn't catch me because I was busy tackling her.

"Wait! I wanna read this first girlfriend!"

*-"can't wait to see you. I really miss you my beautiful gem"-*

I was stunned as hell after reading this. Oil and water don't mix. Have you ever seen fire burning in ice? Impossible right? What the hell? Did I die and woke up in some messed up dimension? She needs to explain this. (Am and Sam? But when and How?)

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