Chapter 25: "Third Party"

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{This chapter has everything, I mean from the romance to the suspense. I just put a little hint of romance, come on it's the reason why we have this ship (Ivy×Lino). I just had to. We'll even dig more into Minnie, the action hasn't stopped yet. We need to know... Nah you need to know the root of her obsession and how she really is. Let me stop here before I spill the beans😹, go ahead and read to know what's really happening sweets😉❤️. Forgive me for any errors. I'm still a beginner♥️.}

Lino's pov

"I want you to leave Iviwe Sinner." Those were the first 6 words my mother said to me the moment we sat down. I wasn't surprised at all, maybe it's because I already knew she hated him.

"But mom, won't you let me explain first?" I pleaded.

"What will you tell me? That you're in love with him? Huh?" I was stunned, not a single word came out of my mouth. "I'm your mother, of course I knew you were preventing me from knowing the truth. Ayanda was acting strange also, I just figured it all out."

"You're right, I am in love with him and I-"

"You what? Linomsa Xulu how did you even get involved with a Mafia's son. He's also a gang leader himself. You nearly left us! Can't you see how much danger he has brought into your life?!" Usually I would keep quiet when she shouted, wait till she stops and cools down. "What if his enemies would've taken me or your grandmother?"

"He wouldn't have let that happen mom."

"But you were abducted under his watch, right? I don't need that boy near you anymore. Couldn't you date Chris at least? Trust me I would've understood since you've been friends for years. He's also noble."

"Now I get it. You just want me to be with the one you like. Mom I love Ivy. He was willing to change before I was kidnapped and I know he'll keep his promise. Iviwe has been through a lot, he still searches for love within himself."

She ignored me. "The school has allowed you to be homeschooled for six months. Every work you need will be sent online. You are leaving with me tomorrow morning." (What?!)

"What? They haven't told me that. I still have things to do here, Ivy needs me m-" I got cut off.

"We need you. Your grandmother hasn't been feeling well either. I didn't tell her about your abduction or else she would've been in a more critical condition by now." I just kept quiet and looked down. (Won't I be given a chance to think?)

"Seems like you have to choose? It's either us or that Iviwe Sinner."

"Mom!" I snapped.

"Don't you dare Lino!! That boy has his own drama to deal with. You shouldn't have gotten involved with him in the first place. How many times do I have to tell you that he is a danger in your life?!!" She shouted even louder. I could feel the rage in her voice, tears just started building up.

I lowered my tone. "Do you hate him that much? Why are you doing this to me mah?"

"Leave him out of this. As long as you're my child, you'll do as I tell you to. This is for your own good. Your safety Linomsa. I'm sure your father would've done the same." She would always bring up father each time things don't go how she wanted. Mother knew how close we were. He was my pride and I had made a promise to him.

I remember each time he'd go away, he would make me promise to take care of the family. When he died, I made that promise to myself. "Father I swear to always be with my family till I depart."

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