Chapter 8: "Knowing Him"

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When I first thought of male leading character (Iviwe/Ivy). I wanted him to be simple. A bit focused on his work and a lone wolf. But then something clicked in my mind and I was like "Girl you ain't even into simple things. You like em bad and mysterious😎🍃." And what's life without some *action, curiosity, danger, thrills and love.* All those 5 words created magic🎆. *Please read till you reach the end* Let's go!!

Ivy's pov

The ride to our campus was not that long. After parking my car we all got out. Sam had somewhere to go and Am spoke to Lino a bit, After a while she was gone too. (It's me and you now babe.) Lino was walking beside me. There was an awkward silence. (I wonder what's on your mind Lino. How you see life...I know there's a sensitive side of her that she tries so hard to hide with thick walls. I want to know her more than this. Be close to her more than anyone else. There's this feeling in me that makes me wanna hold and protect her. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but it feels strange and so damn good at the same time.) "What have you done to me babe?" Lino didn't hear me. Seems like she's not even here. I know she tries to remain strong like nothing affects her but I'm sure she's got a lot of questions in her mind.

I hate it when she's like this. No smile or blush... Just a simple, dull, confused look on her face. I wanted to see that all the time. Her smile is filled with grace. And her eyes... Her eyes have light. The kind that I need in my dark life.

I then pulled her wrist and she turned to face me. My hands ran down to her waist as I slowly made her walk backwards. Till she leaned on the hall way wall. She then looked up to my eyes. Suddenly my heart skipped a beat. I felt tightness on my chest. If she coud do such things to me with just a look. How would her touch feel? "Your eyes are captivating." I don't know why my voice became so calm and f*ckin ruspy when she was close to me. Sometimes it was like I can't even find words to speak. (Does she feel this?)

"You still haven't told me how my presence makes you feel." I closed the gab between us. So close I could feel her heart beat. "Do I make your heart beat so fast?" Her lips parted. (Don't even answer that because I already know.)

I leaned in...and pecked her lips. I then bit her pink bottom lip lightly. A soft moan escaped from her throat. We were not even an inch apart. Our lips were so close I could smell her sweet mint strawberry breath. "That moan tells me you remember our kiss now. And I haven't even kissed you yet."

"Don't be so sure." She bit her lip. "Ivy..." My name sounded like heaven when she called me out. (F*ck, I wonder how it would sound if she moaned it... Gotta think of something else Iviwe.) She continued. "Ivy you do things to me that I can't even describe in words... Avoiding you doesn't help. Instead I end up getting lost in your eyes like I'm hypnotized... It's-"

My phone rang. I tried to avoid it... but it continued. "Damn! Why are people always ruining my time with you?" She let out a soft laugh.(at least I got her to laugh)

"It's my uncle, I've gotta answer it." I stepped back.

"Eyo Uncle Vic. You need something? I'm kinda in a moment here."

~"So you with a girl huh. I just wanted to let you know I'll stop by tomorrow. I have to check up on you and maybe we can chat a bit."

"Okay that sounds cool. See you then."

~"Sure. Hasta luego Iviwe."

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