Chapter 5: "Going ᑕᖇᗩᘔY"

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Lino's pov

(What the heck just happened?!) I'm not sure if I did something wrong by asking him all those questions.
(Maybe I scared him off.) I just want to know Ivy better. I have a feeling that tells me...all these things I've heard are not his fault. He might have just got in some bad situations. (You know being at the wrong place at the wrong time kinda stuff.) I don't even feel scared around him but I feel safe instead. As for the moment we shared. It might have been short but it felt amazing. Not that I'm into him or something. (I can't be in love. Maybe it's just sympathy I'm feeling for him.)

"Would you stop me if I kissed you right now?"

His deep ruspy voice kept on ringing in my head. (Why didn't I say yes?) His beautiful brown eyes felt like they were staring at my soul.

My body couldn't move (betrayer). But something didn't feel right. Why would he want to kiss someone like me? I'm just a normal girl. I'm not funky and outgoing.

"Am should be back by now". I decided to do some reading and clear my mind a bit. (Ivy is scared to open up. Maybe he doesn't trust me. But why would he? The guy doesn't even know me that much...Damn I'm gonna go crazy!!). "I'm back babe!" I heard a female voice. Amethyst must be back. I closed my book as I couldn't concentrate on it.

"Am you're back. How did it go?" She sat besides me before responding. "Well it went good. That silly Sam tried to help but most of the time he was busy flirting. I don't know why he is so cocky. Whoever told him, he is good-looking ...LIED. God! He just gets to my nerves". I've never seen her so frustrated and it was kinda funny. "Give the guy a chance Am"

"A chance? Are you f*ckin kidding me Lino?... Chances are for people who deserve them. And he doesn't even deserve a smile from me". That got me thinking, maybe Ivy just needs someone to give him a chance. Someone who can understand him. "Hello! Are you okay girl?" Am waved her hand in front of my face. "Nothing important"

"Enough about me. How was your dae-dae?!"

"Why are you so excited? And who calls a date a Dae-Dae? Is that even a thing?....again, it wasn't a date" I said as I stood up but she held my hand and pulled me back. "Where do you think you're going?...sit and tell me everything yah, what happened?". (I guess there is no hiding anything from her.) "Well I gave him some assignments and documents that could help him. Ahh we did some work too a little bit...that's it" I said trying to avoid eye contact. "Yeah and what?... I know there's more Lino. I actually want that specific thing that happened. The one that's got you distracted." Her eyes were glittering. A huge grin appeared on her face. (I surrender)

"We nearly kissed Am. Our faces were like an inch apart. I really felt like I was gonna explode."

"OH MY GOD! This guy likes you for real!" she exclaimed. "Now I get why your mind is in the clouds". "No, It's not that. We had a know-each-other-talk. Which didn't end well. I asked him about his family and where he's from. He got upset...then left." Disappointment filled her face as I told her that.

"Lino you must understand. Guys are not the same you know. There are Sweet-opened up kinds. The I-want-to-marry-you kind. The...hah why are you laughing at me?"  (What is she saying?) I couldn't help my self. "Nah..go on"

"And in your case you've got the Mysterious-handsome-caring-bottled up kind. If he is into you... He'll come back." (I think I get it) Am can be crazy sometimes, and make up some weird labels or words. But she can be really wise.

"Yeah I get it. We'll see what happens next, but for now let's Netflix babe."

Ivy's pov

I needed to get this girl out of my mind. (I feel like such a coward right now. I couldn't tell her anything about me. Even though she sounded so sincere. The look in her eyes was mesmerisingly cute and innocent. I can't ruin that...I just can't.) I had to forget her.

"Eyo Ivy! A girl named Winnie or Minnie something is in your damn room. I tried to stop her but she told me you know each other and she is a damn hottie...your kind man." Sam looked like he just came back too. He told me about some work he had with a girl named Am. But the guy hates working. I'm sure that girl wasted her precious time. "Man I've just entered the damn room and you're already telling me about girls. What the f*ck?!" (Why am I getting mad. I need an escape from this Lino situation, right?) "Dude chill...why are you getting so worked out because of this? Having a girl over has always been a thrill for you".

"Yeah man, I just have a lot of sh*t in my mind. I'mma go check that chick out" I said with a smirk. "Now that's the Ivy I know...go get her!" Sam shouted.

The moment I opened the door, I saw her sitting on my bed. She was wearing a red robe kinda looking thing. I slowly approached her. "Well look who's here, didn't your mama tell you not to enter a bear's cave?" I asked. "I never listen and I do what I come here" she whispered and took her robe off (ohh red lace). "You like playing with fire huh? That's hot." All of a sudden, an image of Lino biting her lip came to my mind. I closed my eyes trying to wash it off. (What the hell?...Ivy focus on what's in front of you man)

I didn't realise when Minnie came close to me. She started kissing down my neck. (The way her pink lips parted, like she wanted to say something. The blush that took over her face... when I asked if she'll stop me if I kissed her. The moment we shared that felt like a bliss.) "Minnie stop" . But she went on, till I pushed her away. "I said stop! Okay?" (Why am I getting like this? Minnie needs to go now.) "Please go, I can't do this right now" She just looked stunned. "But Ivy I-"(it just feels wrong). "Leave Minnie" I calmly told her.

After she left I went to the bathroom. I just wanted to try and relax a bit. (Why can't I just focus on one thing?...besides thinking about her. This girl is gonna make me go crazy, like for real. Just the thought of her is incredible.) After taking a plash, I went to chill with my boy Sam.

"How did your work with Am go? And btw your names rhyme ... Am and Sam." We both started laughing. "It went good man, that girl is surely into me...I can feel it" he smirked at me. And I just knew he was lying. "No she's not, you're lying to me man" I let out a chuckle. "I'm telling you Ivy that girl likes me...I mean who doesn't?"

"I'mma take your word for it Sam."

"Enough about me. What's up with you and that library girl?" He asked. "Dude her name is Lino not Library girl." Sam gave me a look of surprise like I'm a creep or something. "Wow nigga... Are you already falling or something?" I laughed ignoring him. "You didn't even spend time with that Winnie-Minnie girl, She went out looking furious like a fire breathing dragon....what's up?" He asked again. "Stop bugging man, it's nada."

"Okay and yeah I'm having another party this week." Does he ever get tired, damn!

(What do you think about Am & Sam?😜)

Random question💌: Do you believe in love at first sight?

Winter out!

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