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"Don't you dare touch that young man" my uncle said from behind. "I...I was just gonna pick it up and give it to you." I felt my nerves building up. (Why am I so nervous? And what is this? Co...nah it can't be.)

"No need for that, I'm here now. Have you packed?"

"Yeah everything is ready. I just need a ride. My car was taken, remember?" Mother took it away as a punishment.

"Well I have something that could help you son. Take this and before you go, checkout my second garage." He handed me some car keys and gave me a wink. "I will check up on you once a week. I'm your only guardian here so I gotta know all your moves." Then he walked away with his parcel. "Sure thing!"

"Ivy cruising in a Lamborghini. Damn my uncle loves me!" I joyfully exclaimed while I checked out my grey baby. "Ladies are gonna love this, Sinner out!" I stepped on the gass on my way to Sam's. The wind was blowing, my car was shining. What could go wrong? I decided to call my nigga first and let him know I'm on my way.

"Eyo Sam, I'm around the corner man" I said as I approached the parking lot.

~"Cool nigga" I think I heard some noise at the back.

"What's that noise? Sam what-"

~"Just come!" He cut me off. (What in the f*ckin world is he up to?)

A lot of cars were parked around. I took my bags and locked my car as I headed to the apartment. The moment I opened the door, my mind was blown. This f*cker had organised a party. A damn massive one. I looked around, couples kissing, girls grinding and getting wasted.

"Look who's here people! My man Ivy!"

Sam shouted and everyone started clapping, dudes whistling, girls screaming. It was insane. I mean look at me, girls would die to worship this body.

"Sam I know you're party animal but this is f*ckin bogus man!"

"Ivy it's friday plus you've just arrived, let's get you some shots!"

He kept on talking nonstop. This dude talks a lot, especially when he is drunk. I noticed some girls in the middle of the room as we walked towards the counter and there was Minnie. Swaying her hips while biting her bottom lip. (She looks wild.)

"Like what you see Ivy?" A seductive look filled her eyes. I leaned over to her ear and whispered. "Well...I think we both know how this night's gonna end sweetie."


["No please don't hurt me! You know I'm doing this for us, right?! I love you Mark please don't kill me!" Mother cried on her knees. "What love are you talking about woman? You've failed me, now die!"... Don't pull the trigger dad! Don't pull the trigger, NO!]

"Mother no!" I cried out and didn't realise how quickly I was on my feet all of a sudden. My hand was in the air like I was reaching out. After a few seconds I realised it was all just a nightmare. I'm in my room and... Who the hell is in my f*ckin bed?


Lino's pov

"New day, new memories to make." I sighed while getting out of the shower. I brushed my teeth, tied my braided hair and I got dressed. Since it's a sunny day, a tank top and some jeans could work. I did my wing and applied some mascara before preparing something to eat. Thinking about Ivy was one thing I couldn't control.

"Alright spit it out, what's eating you girl?" Am asked "and don't say it's nothing."

I guess she figured out that I was gonna deny everything. "Okay fine, there is this guy I met..."

"Your crush!" Her eyes lit up as she said that.

"No...just listen. I met him yesterday after class and at the library too."

"Yah what happened? Did he hurt you or something?" Am asked with a worried sound in her voice.

"His name is Iviwe Sinner and I haven't heard any good about him yet. They say he killed his father. Well that was not proven actually."

"Ow you're talking about Ivy The bad boy" My jaw dropped.

(She also knows him. Am I the only one who's been left in the dark? It's like I was in coma 'cause I had no clue about this.)

"Girl that guy is hot as lava but his background check is bad as hell." She stood on her feet. "But no one knows the actual truth. How do you know he is really like that Am?" I protested. "Are you already defending him? That's cute but stay away from him cupcake. I don't wanna loose you." She begged

"He won't do anything to me, relax and yeah I will know the truth...something doesn't add up." My girl already knows that when I decide to do something, no one can stop me.

Am wanted to keep me distracted, so we went to the mall for some shopping. (Her paradise.) "How many dresses have you tried on already?" I whined a little.  "I just need a few jeans to go with my red tank top and one for you." She headed to the dressing room again. We decided to get Ice cream afterwards. (Now we talking.) "I'm gonna fetch us some chocolate and vanilla flavours. Brb Lino" meanwhile I got us a table.

"I'm not surprised to see you here." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hi Iviwe" I greeted sarcastically and damn this guy is tall. He had broad shoulders, obviously he works out. (I wonder how reaching for his neck and kissing him would be like... F*ck!)

"Ncow she knows my name now but I prefer being called Ivy...like poison ivy." (Yeah he was tryna be sarcastic too.)

"Stop with the sarcasm. What do you want here?"

"Ice cream babe." He gave me an obviously kinda look. (Well that made me look stupid.)

"Well...I want you to help me with something actually. It's school related and maybe I can give you...your book back." (Damn he is testing me.) I must not give in, come on toughen up Lino.

"And why would I help you?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

He waited a bit, not taking his eyes off me and softly said "Let's see...you like me, don't you?"

(Don't blush!) He winked and wiggled his thick brows. I just gave him a dull stare. "Fine, I'm left behind and you're the only person I know who I share my classes with" he sounded serious this time but still gave me a dirty grin.

"Okay...I'll text you my address." I took a seat and gave him my number. "Come by later or tomorrow"

"Awesome, Adios cutie" he winked at me before leaving.

(A new friendship might bloom but will Lino be able to keep her curiosity intact?)

I'd like to thank you all for your support, my awesome readers. I love you!💘


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