Best Friend's Mother

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Excuse errors...


"Hey Rih." I hug my best friend.

"Hey. You comin over today right?"

"Hell yea." I bite my lip just thinking about seeing her mom.

"Yo your mom is so fine." I mumble, smirking.

"Can you shut up?" She laughs.

"I'm serious. She's gorgeous."

"And married."

"Yea... that." I shake my head.

"I know, Kel. She knows too. I don't know why she doesn't leave him."

"Because of you." I say softly.


"Yea. She wants you to think it's still the happy home you grew up in and doesn't know that you know that your dad is cheating on her."

"Oh... that makes sense. There's no other logical reason really."

"I know." We go to her house and play some video games.

"Did y'all finish y'all homework?" I hear that country accent that I love so much.

"No Mrs. Carter." I turn around, slowly, not prepared for what I'm about to see.

"Then turn the game off and y'all get to it. Don't make me come in here again and see y'all not doing what I said. It's gone be a bad day for you."

"Yes Mrs. Carter." I press my lips together, seeing her in a bodycon dress and her hair straight back down her back.

"Oh my Lord..." I hold my heart.

"Calm down. Jesus." Rih mumbles.

"I'm gonna go get some water. I can't breathe."

"Dramatic. Like TD Jakes."

"Shut up." I laugh. I go and pour a glass of cold water and down it.

"You okay?" I get chills from hearing her and feeling her close to me.

"Yes ma'am."

"You been smokin or something?"

"No ma'am. I just got really thirsty."


"Excuse me." I stand against the fridge and she looks at me.

"That's where I'm trying to go baby." She whispers against my ear. I shiver and look up at her, since she had on heels. She looks from my eyes to my lips and smirks.

"S-sorry." I move from the fridge and she opens it, bending down to get something. I hold on to the counter and bite my lip.

"Don't forget about that homework." She looks back at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Yes ma'am." I whisper, trying to catch my breath.

"You okay?" She puts her fruit down, coming over to me.

"I don't know."

"Come sit down." She leads me to a chair and puts her hand against my chest. I feel two of her fingers against my neck and shiver.

"I-I think I'm okay." I grab her wrist, about to move her hand.

"You sure?"

"Yes ma'am..."

"Okay..." I stand up and am met by boobs in my face.  My mouth waters and I force myself to look away. I grab my glass and fill it with water. I hear heels clicking towards me and clear my throat.

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