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"Hey y'all." I smile, waving at my friends.

"Hey..." Bey walks up to me, giving me a tight hug.

"You okay?"

"Yea. I want to show you something."

"Okay..." I follow her to my room.


"I've been taking classes about the art of seduction. I wanted to practice real quick."

"With who?"

"You, duh."

"Um... okay." I shrug a bit. Bey turns around and grinds her ass against me. She has on a mid thigh skirt and a shirt that crosses over in the front. I back up a bit and she pushes me against my dresser, turning around again and grinding on me. My breathing gets heavier as she drops down and comes back up. I put my hands on the dresser and bite my lip. I let it go as she turns around and she smiles.

"Just a little seduction..." I back up more as she lifts her leg, grinding against me.

"Um..." I turn my head from her. I feel her nipples press against me and shiver, arching into her a bit.

"How was that?" Bey asks, smiling. I remain speechless because I have no idea what to do or say.

"Uh..." I bite my lip, eyeing her boobs.

"You don't want me to stop?" Bey whispers, pushing up against me. I shiver as she kisses against my neck.

"W-woah Bey." I laugh nervously.

"Tell me how I did..." I bite my lip as she kisses to the other side.

"You did amazing." I say truthfully.

"Oh really? So you're wet?" I blush.

"I-I wouldn't say all that." I lie, obviously. She bites down and puts her hand on my thigh, slowly sliding it up my dress.

"Bey, what are you doing?" I push her hand from me.

"Seducing you, obviously." I gasp feeling her hands in between my legs.

"Bey-." I inhale a sharp breath as her lips kiss on my thighs.

"I- we shouldn't be doing this." I close my eyes as she kisses closer.

"Stop." I whisper, feeling her thumb against my clit.

"So soon? I didn't get to the best part..." Her lips graze against my pelvis.

"And you won't." I lift her up and clear my throat, going to my bathroom.

"You know you want me to continue."

"No I don't. And that will never happen again."

"Yes it will." She smirks.

"Anyways, why would you do that? You know I'm married. You of all people know I'm married."

"Okay... it was just seduction." She winks, pecking my cheek and patting my ass.

"Yea..." I mumble.

"What's wrong?"

"That was wrong, Beyoncé. You know I'm married... and you're doing all that." I blush.

"Was it too much? Did you really want me to stop?" Bey kisses on my neck again.

"Bey, stop this." I push her hands but she bites my neck, finding my spot.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now