Liquid Courage

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"Let's drink!"

"No. Let's not. You've been drinking enough." Bey says.

"Come onnnnn." I pout.


"Just.. 3. Only 3." I try to meet her in the middle.

"...fine. Come on." She sighs.

"Yay!" I smile. We go to the kitchen and grab two shot glasses.

"If this were a river and I was a duck, I'd drink my way down and swim my way up. But this isn't a river and I'm not a fuckin duck so let's down this shot and get fucked up." We say, taking the first shot of henny to the head.

"That's kinda smooth." I say, not making a face.

"Whew! Smooth my ass!"

"Ha!" I laugh, pouring the next one.

"Ion even like henny." She pouts.

"What is your drink of choice?"

"...Don Julio." She smiles.

"Okay." I pour a shot of DJ for her and take my henny to the head.

"Why are you so good at that?"

"I'm good at a lot of things." I wink.

"You're so gay."

"You knew that." I put on music and we dance.

"Okay frieennddd!" I hype her up.

"Daaaammmmnnn!" She twerks and her ass is moving like water.

"I love that song." She laughs, taking her last shot. I take mine and pull her to me.

"What Kelly?" She smiles.

"You look good bent over like that..." I whisper against her neck. She clears her throat and pulls from me.

"Kelly, let-." I grab her by her waist, letting my fingers slide against her skin, since she has on a crop top.

"Your hands are cold." She tries to pull from me again.

"Warm them up." I kiss on her neck.

"N-Kelly." I grab her ass and sit her on the counter.

"Stop." I kiss her and she gasps.

"Mmh!" She moans, pushing my chest.

"Kelly, go sit down." Bey tries to get off the counter. I pull her closer by her belt loops and grab her ass.


"Enjoy it." I whisper, looking into her eyes. I feel her shiver and she clears her throat, shaking her head.

"I need to go."

"Why do you need to go... so soon?" I unbutton her pants.

"I-I have to study." Bey pushes on my hands.

"BeyBey... there's nothing to study." I slip my hand into her pants.

"I think you should go to bed. Now." She slides off the counter but I trap her with my body.


"Say it again." I whisper against her neck.

"Tell me you're not wet. Tell me you don't want my fingers deep inside you, hitting your spot with ease. Tell me you don't want my lips kissing on you. Tell me... tell me you don't want me." I whisper, kissing and sucking on her neck.

"Don't lie to me. Tell daddy the truth. You want me to stop?" I slip my fingers in between her lips with ease. She whimpers, holding herself up with the counter.

"Look at me." She looks me in my eyes.

"You don't want me?" I rub my fingers against her clit.

"Hm?" She questions, trying to keep her eyes open.

"Do I need to repeat myself baby?"

"...yes..." She slowly bites her lip.

"You don't... want... me?" I rub harder. Her eyes flutter as they try to stay open.

"N-No." Bey shakes her head.

"No?" I question.

"No..." She whispers, scratching at the counter. She lets her eyes close and clears her throat.

"Look at me." She looks at me, pressing her lips together.

"Do you want me to stop?" I stop rubbing her and slowly slip two fingers inside of her.

"Oh... my God..." Her eyes roll back.

"Do you?"

"Hm?" She asks, gripping the counter.

"Do you want me to stop?" I hit her spot with each word.

"I... I don't know." She pants. I continue to hit her spot and her body shakes each time.

"I need a yes or no baby girl."

"I-..." She bites her lip.

"Look at me." Bey struggles to keep her eyes on me. I feel her walls pulsating around my fingers and bite my lip.

"Tell me."

"Don't stop." She whimpers, struggling to hold herself up.

"You need help?" I ask, rhetorically. She nods lazily, and grips the counter. I grip her neck making her look at me and feel her cum. Her eyes roll back as she bites her lip.

"Oh God..." Bey pants for air, grabbing my arm. I slowly stop and suck her cum off of my fingers.

"You okay?"

"Yea." She fixes herself and then sighs.

"Want some water?"

"Sure." I hand her a bottle of water and grab one myself.

"It won't happen again unless you want it to... I won't be mad. I won't hold a grudge."

"Okay." She leaves, going to her room.

Now... what y'all think? Did you like it? If not, it's okay. I'm trying to get into the habit of updating again so whatever comes to mind is what y'all get. In the same breath, I'm a bit depressed. High functioning, but still depressed nonetheless. I'm okay. I moved to Cali last year so... that was fun. (No.. it wasn't) Have a good day/night depending on your side of the world🫡 your Navy bestie, serving while serving💁🏽‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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