Preacher's Daughter (This Moves Quick)

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"Bey?" I hear my choir instructor.

"Yes?" I walk up to her.

"Follow me..." I nod, taking her hand.

"Yea?" I ask after we get away from everyone.

"We're almost there."

"Where are we going?"

"Down to the basement to get a few things for rehearsal."

"Okay." I nod. We get down to the basement and I feel her hand on the small of my back.

"It's over here."

"How old are you? 19?" I nod.

"Yea." I give a verbal answer.

"Okay." She sighs.

"Do you plan on getting married?" Odd question.

"Not any time soon..."

"Have you ever had sex?" I blush.

"No..." I lie.

"That includes head..." I blush harder.

"...yea. Once...or twice." I whisper.

"With?" I clear my throat.

"Both." I mumble.

"Both what?"

"Both male and female." I mumble.

"Really?" She smirks.

"Yea. Why is that important?"

"I just wanted to know. But... that's not happening anymore."

"And why not?" I cross my arms.

"Because..." Kelly backs me up to the wall behind me.

"B-...what are you doing?" I ask, putting my whole body on the wall.

"What I want. You can say stop..."

"I-...I'm not-. I don't like girls." I shake my head.

"Then why'd you have sex with one?"

"I-I was drinking and I know I shouldn't have but I wasn't thinking when it happened. It just happened out of no where. I didn't even know the girl liked me."

"So you don't know that I like you?" She asks, grabbing my waist.

"Wh-What?" I ask, blinking a few times.

"You heard me..." Kelly presses her body on to mine and leans in.

"I-I'm uncomfortable." I whisper, pulling on her hands.

"Tell me to stop then." I watch as she leans in and gulp.

"U-um." I pant.

"You shouldn't do this. Someone's probably looking for us." I pull harder on her hands. Kelly kisses me and moans, pulling me closer. I break the kiss and push her from me. She pushes me against the wall and kisses me again.

"Relax." She basically growls. Kel kisses me and grabs my ass. I moan as she deepens the kiss, lifting up my dress. I pull it down and she does it again, sliding her hands in between my thighs.

"Kelly, we can't do this." I whisper, tugging on her arms. I feel her lips on my neck and her hand on my pussy.

"S-st-stop." I whisper, pushing her.

"Why'd it take you so long? Huh? If you don't like girls?" I gasp as she grabs my neck.

"I-I don't know. Please let me go." Kelly slips her hand into my panties and smirks. I bite my lip as she slowly slides it down to the seat of my panties, softly rubbing her fingers against my slit.

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