Seduction Pt 2

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Excuse errors...


"Kelly, can you call me when you get this message?"

"Hey Kelly. I really think we need to talk."

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry. I started and I couldn't stop... I really didn't want to stop. You just sounded so... so sexy. I'm sorry. Bye." Girl.

"Kel can you talk to me please? Please? I just wanna talk. We need to talk about this."

"Kelly, you're my best friend... please talk to me."

"Kel, come on. Talk to me."

Why is she calling me so much. If I keep declining your calls and ignoring them, what makes you think I wanna talk?

"Is Tim home?" I read. I delete it and sigh, watching Lucifer.

"Damn Mazikeen..." She crawls across the table to Dr. Martin and I drink a bit of my water.

"She is so fine." I mumble, laying my head on my pillow. My phone rings and I look at the called ID. I let it go to voicemail and sigh. There's a knock at my door and I roll my eyes, knowing it's Beyoncé. I look out the window and don't see anyone. Another knock.

"What?!" I open the door kind of hard and Bey just stands there.

"Hi." She says softly, smiling a bit.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms.

"I wanna talk to you. I want to apologize."

"Go ahead."

"Can I at least come in?" She sighs.


"Please?" I roll my eyes and let her in.

"Thank you." I close the door and as soon as I turn around she hugs me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done all that. I tried to control myself but seeing you how you were was... well... you know. I mean... I had so many other plans for this moment but I feel like that was selfish and not appropriate."

"What do you mean?" Curiosity got the best of me I'll tell you that.

"Are you sure you wanna see?" I nod. She slowly opens her coat and there was only a red bra underneath.

"What did you think was gonna happen between us?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Honestly or no?"


"I wanted to have sex but like I said... selfish." I blush, slightly.

"You don't have shorts on do you?" I roll my eyes.

"No..." I glance down as she opens the rest of the coat and blush. She has on a matching red lace thong.

"What made you do this?"

"I-... well... you, honestly." I see her blush, which makes me blush.


"From the color to the material." Bey bites her lip.

"What?" I ask, even more confused.

"It's red because you love the color red... and it's satin because... the way my juices saturate it turn me on just as much as your moans..." I blush really hard.

"I-I think it's time for you to go. Thanks for stopping by." I try to walk her to the door.

"Kelly. I didn't even touch you."

"But your words-."

"Are effecting you?" Bey smirks.

"No, you just need to go." I lie.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now