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"H-Hey Bey. Can you put the dishes away please?" I ask, going downstairs.

"Yea. Are there any in the sink?" We go to the kitchen.

"I'll wash those." I wave her off.

"No it's fine. I'll be down here anyway." Bey leans against the door frame.

"Bey, it's fine."

"Go lay down."


"Don't make me drag you out."

"So do it." I shrug, playfully. Bey picks me up and throws me over her shoulder, walking me back to my room.

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. Put me down."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll bite you."

"I like that shit." Bey smirks, winking. I shiver and blush, trying to play it off with a laugh. Bey lays me on my bed and smirks.

"Anything else?"

"Yea... I'm gonna do the dishes." I try to run past her but she grips my waist, pulling my ass into her. I gasp and grab her forearms, biting my lip.

"You aren't doing anything." She whispers.

"Let me go." I whisper, moving my neck from her.

"You uncomfortable?"

"Yea..." I mumble.

"I don't think so..." I suck in a breath as she slowly lets me go.

"Did my dad come back from his trip yet?"

"No. He leaves in two days but he has to go to Jersey for a shoot."


"Yea. What do you want to eat?"

"Not something you can cook." She bites her lip.

"What is it? Meanie."

"No... you really can't cook it."

"What is it dummy?"

"Well..." She walks over to me, smirking.

"You." Her lips graze my earlobe. I shiver and back up from her.

"What?" I ask, not wanting to believe what she said.

"I want you, Kelly..." She sighs, crossing her arms.

"I- your- you can't have me." I finally say, after trying to figure out what I should say.

"Says who?"


"And? Is that supposed to stop me?"


"For how long?"

"Bey, you can't. Don't do this..."

"I didn't do anything, crazy." She shakes her head.

"But I might..." She winks, pecking my cheek.


"I love it when you say my name like that."

"Gay ass."

"Don't act like you don't want me back..."

"I don't."

"You ain't got to lie Craig. You ain't got to lie." I laugh at her.

"Nobody is lying to yo light bright ass."

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now