Behind His Back

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"Bey we can't do this anymore." She's been coming on to me and I've been enjoying it too much for 2 months.

"Why?" She pulls me to her and grabs my ass.

"Because I don't want to hurt him."

"Awe. That was sweet....but you're mine." I gulp as she pushes her hand in my panties. We were right outside of her dad and I's room, literally.

"Bey stop." I say, gasping. I try to stop her hand from pleasing me but, in all honesty, I didn't want to.

"Fuck...yes." I moan, softly. Bey kisses me and down my neck.

"Aaaahh...w-wait. Wait Bey. I'm married to your father. This is wrong." I say, trying to close my robe.

"Let it be wrong. Stay still." She pins my hands to the door. I told you we were literally right outside. I bite my lip as she slips two fingers in to me.

" that. Mmmhhmmm." I hold myself up with the wall and the door frame. My eyes close and roll back as she fucks me faster.

"Bey...y-mm no." I say, opening my eyes. I push on her hand but she goes deeper.

"I told you to stay still." She lifts my leg and kisses down my body. I arch my back a bit and enjoy what she's doing.

" yes!" I moan, as she sucks on my clit. I press my lips together and grab her head.

"Baby you comin to bed?" I hear Tim ask. I gasp, moving her, and close my robe.

"Don't get scared now."

"Bey stop." I say, pushing her hands away from me.

"You need to stop. Your father is in there. He's trying to sleep. I want to go in there before that happens and you need to leave me alone. I'm not gay." I whisper, tying my robe.

"Mhm...yea okay." She shakes her head.

"That's not gonna happen." She slides down, rips my panties, and eats me out.

"Beyo-...." My eyes roll back and my hand flies down to her head.

"Baby..." I catch myself with the wall because I almost fell.

"Oh fuck." I whisper, panting.

"Keep doing that." I hold her head down.


"Fuck! Yes!" I try to stay silent but it doesn't work.

"Aaaahh!" My head falls back. He calls for me again. I gasp and push on her head. She is too good. Made me forget I was married. Shit.

"Beyoncé stop. Now." I say, ignoring the pleasure.

"Mmm." She hums against me and I cover my mouth. I start breathing heavy and shake my head.

"Bey get up. I'm serious."

"Kel come on." I hear him say, sleepily.

"Beyoncé!" I let slip. My eyes roll back and my breathing gets short.

"B....Yoncé..." I moan, cumming. I push her away and fix my robe as best I could. I go in my room and close the door. Oh my God...

"I'm here baby." I say, tapping him.


"Baby. Come on."

"You had your chance. Your fault." He mumbles.


"No. Goodnight." I'm not in the least bit satisfied with that. I rub my clit, biting my lip, and sigh.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now