Tell Me What You Want

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"What?" I ask, looking in the eyes of my teacher, Gabrielle Union.

"Principal's office. Now."

"For what?"

"I think you know."

"Nah. I don't." I chew on my gum.

"You sure about that?"

"Yep. You can't force me."

"How bout I call your mother?"

"Do it." I sigh, doodling in my notebook. She calls my mother but she doesn't answer.

"Kelly?" I hear the principal.

"Yes?" I ask, smirking.

"Come with me." I grab my things and follow her.

"Why are you so mean to Ms. Union?"

"She doesn't like me and she's disrespectful so I act accordingly." I shrug.


"Really." I sit in her chair and she just looks at me.

"What Ms. Knowles?"

"Get up." She mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"You're acting like a child at your big age." She adds.

"And how do you know how old I am?" I smirk.

"I'm your principal." She makes a 'duh' face.

"And? You know how old all of these mufuckas are?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Watch your little nasty mouth." I smile. It's funny when she says that.

"You like it." I wink, getting up. Bey just looks at me.


"Stop calling me that."

"Beyoncé... you like it." I bite my lip.

"Oh my God." She sits down and types on her computer.

"You seem stressed..."

"No." I walk to her and she watches me.

"It seems like all you do is watch me."

"You always know when to come in and take me away... is that what you want to do? Take me?" I whisper, putting my hands on her shoulders.

"I'm your principal. That's not appropriate." Bey shakes her head, moving my hands, only for me to put them back.

"Hm... you didn't deny that you want to take me." I smirk, sliding my hands down a bit.

"Kelly move away from me." I slowly slide my hands inside her shirt and she gasps, softly.

"Kelly, you're being very inappropriate right now. You need to stop." She grabs my wrists.

"You do not want me to stop." I slip my hand into her bra, playing with her nipples.

"Kelly, stop." I bite her earlobe and kiss on her neck.

"I-..." Her chest rises and falls quickly.

"I-I can't." She whispers, pushing on my neck. Bey squirms in her chair, whimpering.

"Don't do this." She pants. I pull on her nipples and she bites her lip.

"Don't." She shakes her head. I slide my hand down her stomach and to her pants. I turn her chair around and kiss her. Bey grabs my neck, deepening the kiss. I straddle her and slip my hand into her panties, unbuttoning her pants with my other hand. I bite my lip, slipping my fingers in between her folds, looking in her eyes.

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