Movies & Pleasure

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Excuse errors... or don't. Proceed lol


"Hey Kelly!" I give my best friend a huge hug. I haven't seen her in a year and some change.

"Hi BeyBey." She hugs me back, lowkey swiping my ass but on purpose.

"If you wanna grab it, just say that."

"I wanna grab it." Kel laughs, grabbing it afterwards.

"You know you fine."

"You too. Two babies and you still look the fuck good." I twirl her. We walk to the kitchen.

"Thank you." She cheeses. I smirk, eyeing her.

"Don't do that. Imma give in. You know this." I laugh.

"Maybe you should." I whisper, softly rubbing my thumb against her hip.

"Bey... I was serious." Kel whispers, biting her lip.

"So am I." I bite my lip.

"Jesus." Kelly whispers, clearing her throat and taking a deep breath.

"I can help you with some of that... tension." I unbutton her jeans, slowly unzipping them.

"Would you like me to?" I ask, slowly slipping my hand into her panties. Kelly just stares at me, leaning against the counter.

"Yes or no?"

"I-I don't know." Kel shivers.

"You want me to decide for you?" I lean into her neck.

"Yes..." She breathe's out. I slowly rub her clit and suck on her neck, immediately finding her soft spot. Kelly grabs my neck, pulling me closer.

"Bey..." I push two fingers into her and lick my lips at how wet she is.

"Look at me..." I whisper, pushing them deeper as she opens her eyes. Her eyes roll back and she gasps. I smirk, curving my fingers.

"Fuck..." She whimpers.


"I'm cumming..." Kel grips the counter, biting her lip. I help her ride it out and bite my lip.

"Beyoncé!" She lets out, grabbing my wrist. She cums again, grabbing my neck.

"Aaaaahhh..." I get chills hearing her moan. They're such a turn on.

"Oh my God..." Kel whispers, sighing.

"Where's Michelle?" She asks, fixing herself and going to the fridge.

"On the way. She's like 5 minutes out."

"Okay." She drinks a whole bottle of water.

"I got something you can drink if you gulpin down water like that." I wink at her.

"You're tempting me..." She points at me, squinting her eyes.

"Open invitation baby girl... you gone show me what yo tongue do or ya fingers... or both?" I walk up to her.

"She'll be here in 5 minutes."

"She can join." I shrug.

"Bey!" She looks at me wide eyed.

"You know she needs something. She just need hers ate or fingered."

"Why do you think that?"

"When's the last time she told us anything about her sex life?"

"I don't remember."

"Exactly cuz it's non existent. You wanna tag team her?"

"Bro what?" She tilts her head, looking at me crazy.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now