Chasing My Mentor

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"Slick ass." She says, walking to the door. I bite my lip and palm her ass. Bey grabs my hand and puts it behind my back. How, I don't know. She pins me against the wall, her front to my back.

"Don't make me fuck you up." My panties flood at her choice of words.

"I'm not playin wichu. At first it was cute but you doin too much. Don't fuckin touch me like that. Do you understand?" I cannot take her seriously with the way she got me feelin.

"Do you understand?" She presses harder against me. I bite my lip to stop any sounds.

"I'm giving yo-."

"Yes. Y-yes...I understand." I whisper.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I moan a bit.

"What aren't you gonna do?"

"Touch you." I whisper, wanting her to take me.

"And what else?" I bite my lip harder.

"I'll behave." I whimper, wanting her to do some damage. She turns me around and I bite my lip.

"You like that shit...don't you?" Bey shakes her head.

"..." I blush and look from her.

"Bye." She says, glaring at me. I leave and go to the bathroom.

"Oh my God." I whisper. I clean myself up and go to class. I do my work and stay to myself.

"Look at the whore. Doesn't she look like a hoe today?"

"That's everyday, Iggy."

"Really Rita?"

"Yea. Doesn't she wear the same panties everyday?"

"I don't know. Hey Kelwhoria." I continue focusing on the teacher.

"I think she heard us talking about her ugly skank ass."

"Can I go?" I ask Mr. Brown.


"I think you know. Can I go." I say.

"No. Wait till I'm don-."

"If shit happens, it's on you." I say, looking him dead in his eyes.

"Mhm. Anyway." He continues to teach. I look at my lemonade and sip on it till I feel like I'm not thirsty anymore.

"Even how she drinks is disgusting." I get up, pretending that I'm throwing it away. I throw it in the both of their faces and punch Iggy slam in her chest and square in the nose. I give Rita a right hook, followed by a blow to the left side of her face.

"Now say some shit! I can't hear you! Did I dislocate your jaw Rita?! Or Iggy?! You got shit else to say?! How you gonna accuse me of being a slut when you cheat on your boyfriend with Rita's and half the football team?! Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't want anyone to know about that. Now they do. Rita, hanging with her will get you both in a lot of" I grab my things and leave, going to Bey's office.

"Do you have some ice?" Bey throws the ice at me and grabs my jaw.

"I thought we had a clear understanding..." I roll my eyes, moving her hand.

"We did and now we don't. I asked Mr. Brown if I could leave and he said no." I say, sitting down.

"Kelly...I won't be here next year." I look at her like she's crazy.

"Stop playin with me, you're the only one who keeps me sane."

"I think you only get in trouble to come and see me, honestly."

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