First Sight

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"What are you doing?" I text my number neighbor.

"Chilling. Listening to music and just vibing really..."

"Oh. Do you smoke?" I wash some clothes.


"Oh. Me neither. I just saw vibing lol." I wash the few dishes I had and wash my hands after.

"Understandable 😂."

"Do you think we should meet now?" I ask, wanting to know what she looked like. We agreed no FaceTime or picture mail because we wanted to see each other in person first.

"Yea. It's been what...6 months."

"Where do you live?"



"Well pull up Bey."

"Where in Houston? It's kinda big..."

"By St Johns church." My eyes get big.

"...I'm like 10 minutes away from there."



"Hurry up then. I wanna meet you." I smile, reading that. She sends me her address and I feel my heart beating faster.

"Alright. Hold on." I put on a crop top and jeans that made my legs look good. I put my hair in a loose top bun and put a little Vaseline on my lips.

"On my way." I text her.

"Okay." I go to the address, which was just around the corner, and park. I sigh, shaking a little bit. I'm nervous as fuck. What if she thinks I'm ugly or something? People are weird like that. They don't wanna be friends cuz you ugly? Ridiculous.

"Yea. It is ridiculous." I say, shaking my head.

"Okay." I step out of my car and walk up to her door. I knock three times and wait, rubbing my hands together in nervousness.

"...hi." I say, once she opens the door.

"Hi." She smiles.

"Come in." I step inside and smell berries.

"You have a nice place." I smile.

"Thank you." I sit on her couch and she sits beside me.

"You didn't tell me you were flat out gorgeous." I blush really hard.

"I-I didn't know it mattered." I look from her, still blushing.

"Aye. Don't do that." She turns my head to her.

"Um..." I look from her and clear my throat.



"You're very beautiful as well." I add.

"Thank you." She smiles a bit.

"How've you been?"

"I'm good. I'm about to finish college. You?"


"You wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Yea. What movie?"

"A scary one."

"Oh boy." I say, sighing.

"Don't be scared. I got you." She smirks, winking. I blush and smile a bit.

"You know-."

"I do know. I got you." I sigh. She puts on the movie and leaves. I smell popcorn and smile.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now