Let's See

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"Hey mom, do you have the flat iron? I need to do my hair." I whine. Hi 17 goin on 18 tomorrow.

"Yea. It's in my dresser." I get it and go in my room. I go to use it and almost laugh, throw up, or just stare at it....it was a combination of all three.

"This is not the flat iron!" I yell. I go back in her room and hand it to her.

"What do you mean th-..." My step mom turns around and blushes, very hard.

"Um..." She takes it from me and hands me the flat iron.

"Thank you....nasty." She giggles a bit.

"Little do you know..." I hear her mumble.

"What?" I ask.


"Oh okay." I do my hair and smile.

"Oh shit. I mean shoot. My bad." I say, catching her. She almost fell down the stairs.

"It's fine. Um..." I look at our position and where my hands were. Waist and ass...I mean they were full on, rough, grabs... Her ass feels like a pillow...and grabbable. I refrain from squeezing it harder and clear my throat.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-."

"It's fine." She says, standing up.

"Thanks for your reflexes."

"Yea..." I go downstairs and get water. I sigh and sit down.

"You okay?" My heart beats faster. Her body...is just...too much for me to take in.


"You sure?"

"Yes." I clear my throat. She sighs.

"You know my job is reading people, right?" She looks me up and down.

"Y-yea." I hate myself for being so nervous.

"So why are you lying?"

"I-I'm not." I shake my head.

"Now you're gonna continue?"

"I-I um..."

"Do you know what you had in your hand?"

"I think so..."

"It was a vibrating dildo..." I blush.

"Mhm." I nod.

"Baby girl..." I feel waterfalls.

"Don't call me that." I shake my head.



"Because what?" She sits in my lap.

"It's not appropriate..." I say, sitting farther back into the chair.

"Kelly?" I look at her.

"You know I find you attractive right?" I blush, hard.

"I-I didn't know that." My heart beats faster.

"Now you do." She leans in to kiss me and I turn my head.

"Um...we-I'm not....I'm straight." I say, clearing my throat.

"So move...please?" She smirks.

"You want me... Just as much as I want you, Ms. Straight." She kisses my neck a few times, making me squirm under her. I push her stomach and she moves.

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