Flirt and Tease...

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"Kelly, how's the juice?" I ask, smirking.

"Good. Thank you." She blushes a bit.

"That's good. I squeezed it myself." I take a sip, eyeing her.

"Interesting..." She mumbles.

"What else do you do again?"

"Massage therapist..."

"So you have the magic touch?"

"Some say that." She shrugs.

"Do you mind giving me one?" I raise an eyebrow.


"Do I have to pay?" I smile.

"On the house." Kelly looks at my smile.

"You have a pretty smile."

"Thank you." I wink.

"You're welcome."

"So...did you want it now?"

"The massage?" I smirk.

"Y-Yea." She stutters.

"Oh... now, if you're not busy."

"Okay." She walks to the living room.

"Lay down and I'll start." I lay down on the couch and she lifts my shirt. I feel her palms dig into my lower back and bite my lip.

"Aaahh." I moan, softly. She trails her hands up, slowly, doing the same thing.

"Please do that again..." I moan, relaxing a bit more.

"Mmmhmmm..." She massages my shoulders and shoulder blades and digs her thumbs into it.

"Oh my God..." I mumble. She cracks my neck and traces her hands down my spine.

"Did you... did you want me to do the front?"


"Okay..." She whispers. I turn around and Kelly presses her lips together.

"Did you want me to do... your boobs?"

"Yea." I smirk. She blushes and clears her throat. She massages my stomach, moving her hands up slowly.

"Do you wanna take your bra off?"

"Mhm..." I take it off and she bites her lip a bit.

"Okay..." Kelly whispers. I look at her face and she was trying to focus.

"Can you stop staring at me?"

"I'm making you uncomfortable?"

"No, I-."

"Okay then." I mumble. She continues to massage me and massages around my boobs.

"Mmmh..." I moan, softly.

"Please don't do that." She whispers.

"Don't do what?"

"You know what you did."

"Can you... a little harder?" I ask, looking in her eyes.

"Fine." I smirk. She massages them harder and I bite my lip. I put my hand over hers and she moves.

"Can you do my thighs?" I bite my lip.

"Sure, Beyoncé." She shakes her head. I take my shorts off and lay back down. She massages my thighs and I grab the couch when she does the inside of them.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now