Doctor's Office

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"Babe, let's go to the ultrasound." I say, rushing my husband, Shawn.

"I'm ready. You still have to put your shoes on."

"I know I do. You're never ready when I am, so I had to rush you. I'm ready now. Let's go." We get to the office and wait.

"Mrs. Carter?" A tall, darkskin, slim thick, woman looks around.

"Hi." I shake her hand.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Rowland. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Do you feel okay? No pains?"

"Nope. I feel like it's a girl but we don't wanna know yet." I smile.

"No problem. I'm going to give you some prenatal vitamins in a minute but nothing too drastic is going to happen. Do you want to go to the waiting room or stay here, Mr. Carter?" Dr. Rowland asks.

"Do you wanna stay, babe?" I ask him.

"Do you want me to?"

"No. I feel uncomfortable with you in here with me, honestly." That's a lie. I wanna see what else Dr. Rowland has a PhD in.

"I'll wait, babe, it's okay."

"Okay." I smile. He leaves and she closes the door. She smells good.

"I want to know the gender." I say, just wanting her to touch me.

"You sa-okay." She shrugs.

"Lay down on the table for me." I sure will.

"Okay. Can you lift your shirt up?" I lift my shirt up as she turns around to set everything up.

"U-um...n-not that far up." She adjusts my shirt and clears her throat.

"Are you allergic to anything in the prenatal vitamins?"


"Okay, good. Now. The gel will be cold."

"Okay." I jump as she squeezes it onto my stomach.

"It's very cold but my body is very hot. I don't know how that works." I joke. She laughs, softly, and clears her throat.

"Are you sure you want to know the gender?"


"'s a girl." I smile.

"I knew it." I smile.

"Are you going to throw a gender reveal party?"

"I think so...just to see the look on Shawn's face when I prove him wrong." I smile. She smiles and I look from her eyes to her mouth.

"Your smile is pretty." I say, softly.

"Thanks." She blushes.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

" I'm not straight." She says, blushing.

"You like females? You're gay?" I ask as she wipes the gel off of my stomach.


"That's amazing news." I say.


"Because..." I smile.

"Because what, Mrs. Carter?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Just know it's a good thing."

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