Preacher's Wife

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Excuse errors...


"That was a beautiful service pastor."

"Thank you. It was all God." I smile, walking to the bathroom.

"Oh...hey First Lady..." I see the pastors wife, fixing her dress.

"Hi Beyoncé. You can call me Kelly, you know." She smiles.

"I do. How've you been?" I ask, walking up next to her.

"I'm good. I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Life is just... happening."

"I hear that." She laughs.

"Did you enjoy service?"

"Yea. I related to some things he was saying." I shrug.

"Oh... like what?" We were talking about the LGBTQ+ community and how we should love one another equally.

"The LGBTQ community."

"You're gay?" She asks, surprised.

"Yes..." I make a face. Not one that would be offensive but like...a joking one.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew."

"No. I didn't." She shakes her head.

"I like your dress..." She says.

"I like yours too..." It was a maxi dress and I'm surprised he let her out the house in it. Damn, she looks good. My mouth waters and I look away, clearing my throat.

"You okay?"

"Yea. I'm fine." I say, smiling a bit.

"I'll see you tonight?" She asks, touching my arm.

"Tonight?" I ask, losing all memory and blood flow to my brain.

"Yea... for the party?"

"Party?" I ask. At this point I'm hypnotized by her beauty.


"Hm?" I snap out of it and lick my lips.

"Sorry...I'll be there."

"Do you remember where it is?"

"No." I say, smiling. She laughs and covers her mouth.

"Don't do that." I move her hand.

"Why not?"

"You have a beautiful smile."

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm hitting on you. But I will if you want me to." I smirk.

"No, thank you." I laugh at her and she smiles.

"It's at our place though." I nod.

"Wear a dress... or whatever you like to wear that's comfortable." She adds.

"I think your husband is waiting for you." I say, looking from her.


"D-don't tell anyone... please."

"Of course. Your secret is safe with me." She winks. I watch her walk away and bite my lip.

At the party...

"Hey Bey!" Kelly hugs me, pulling me into her house.

"Hi Kelly." I smile.

"I love your dress!" I blush. I hoped she would.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now