Innocent...Or Not...

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Excuse Errors...


"Hey Dad, where's Bey?"

"In the shower."

"Okay." I bite my lip.

"Bey, I'm waiting in your room!" I yell, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Okay!" I sit down and get on my phone. I see her towel beside me and smirk.

"Kel!" She yells.

"Yes?" I ask, knocking on the door.

"Thanks." She smiles as I give her her towel.

"Mhm." I bite my lip as I see her reflection.

"What are you doing?"

"Just really deep in my thoughts." ...that have you screaming my name, of course.

"How was your day today?" She asks me, drying off.

"It was good. I got to talk to you and some of my friends."

"Aww. That's sweet." I bite my lip.

"How was yours?"

"It was good. I ate a lot...I fulfilled some things and-."

"What'd you fulfill?" I ask, looking in her eyes.

"Just some chores that I've been meaning to do." I nod.


"Washing my clothes... Cleaning my room." I nod.

"I'll let you get dressed."

"I was gonna get dressed whether you were here or not."

"Then I'll stay." I smirk.

"You're funny." She laughs. I slowly look her up and down and bite my lip.

"Bey, you're really pretty." I say, clearing my throat.

"You tell me that like... Everyday." I blush.

"Do I?"

"Yep." She puts her panties on and I catch a glimpse of her pussy for a good 5 seconds.

"Oh shit." I mumble, taking a deep breath.

"What?" She asks.

"I felt dizzy." I lie, clearing my throat. She puts a sports bra on and pulls me to her.

"You okay?" She asks, pouting.

"Yes. I think it was just for a minute." I lick my lips as she looks in my eyes.

"Aww." She lays my head on her chest. I bite my lip as I smell her perfume.

"You smell good." I whisper.


"Did you fulfill anything else?" I ask.

"No." She laughs.

"Okay." I sigh. I wanna fulfill her.

"Do you arch your back a lot?" I ask, looking up at her.


"The arch in your back is deep..."


"Do you?"

"Not a lot." She blushes.




"Can I give you a massage?" I ask.

"Of course." She goes to lay down and I already miss the warmth of her body on mine.

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