She's Not Only My Boss

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"Who's next?" I ask my assistant.

"A Kelly Rowland." She looks at the profile.

"Send them in."

"Good morning. I'm Kelendria. How are you?" I stand up.

"Nice to meet you. I'm great, how are you?"

"Great." We shake hands. Moisturized.

"So, tell me about yourself, Kelendria." I sit down, unbuttoning my blazer.

"I'm from Georgia. I like modeling. I love seafood. I'm a sneaker head." I nod.

"What can you bring to the table?"

"Anything you need." I smirk. Dodge the question why don't you.


"I'll contact you, if you've gotten the job." I stand up, buttoning my blazer.

"Thanks." She shakes my hand.

"Have a great day."

"You as well."

1 Week Later...

I call Ms. Rowland to let her know that she got the job.

"Is this Kelendria?"


"Hi. I was calling to let you know that you got the job."

"Oh my goodness. Thank you so much." She sounds happy.

"You're welcome. Can you come in today? We should start your orientation."

"Of course. What time?"

"In like an hour."

"What should I wear?"

"Business casual."

"Got it." She hangs up and I smile a bit. When I first saw her, it was like chocolate melted into the room. You could smell her a mile away. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Her eyes were almond shaped and she had thick, curly hair. Light make up done and a beautiful smile. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

40 minutes later...

"Kelly, hi."

"Hi Mrs. Carter."

"Let me show you your office." I lead her to her office.

"So you work Monday through Friday. Off weekends and holidays and you can take off whenever you need to, just give me a heads up." I turn my head and see her lowkey staring at my ass.

"Also, I just need you to bring me a cup of ice every now and then."

"Okay." She smiles a bit.

"Thanks. You'll be paid $25.40 an hour. And you're off by like 5 or 6 everyday, depending on my schedule."

"Okay. Do I work directly under you?"

"Yes. You don't answer to anyone except me. Remember that." I say, seriously. These people will take advantage of a title.

"Got it." I nod.

"Let me help you log in. Sit down." She sits behind her desk. I lean over her and type in her log in information.

"This is how you add new merchandise." I show her.

"This is how you mark it sold out. If we no longer sell it, drag... drop... confirm." I whisper, not wanting to be too loud. I see her legs press together a bit and smirk.

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