Chapter 2

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Tommy turned around in the chair and his blue eyes met Technoblade's red eyes. The red eyes were narrow and angry. The General's long hair was tied back into a very tight braid. It always memorized the young prince on how that doesn't hurt.

Tommy could tell that the General was mad and it was gonna annoy him all day.

"I didn't put it on." Tommy turned around and picked up his fork, ready to get back to eating.

"Prince Tommy, how many times have I told you to wear your crown?" Technoblade's voice was strict and straight to the point.

"...everyday..." The young prince mumbled.

"Good. Now, where is your crown?" General Technoblade asked as he walked in front of Tommy to look into his eyes.

Tommy didn't want to respond. "On it's pedestal."

Technoblade grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. He sounded very angry and annoyed. Every time Tommy hasn't worn his crown, he would get angry and lecture Tommy about it.

'Princes must always wear their crowns.' Technoblade would say a lot.

Tommy hated wearing it.

"It's not even the kings the crown, why should I-" Tommy was cut off by Techno raising his hand.

"It may not be as important, but it is still something that you should always wear." Technoblade told Tommy. "After breakfast, I want you to to grab your crown and put it on. Then meet me in the arena for training. Understood?"

Tommy looked down at his plate. He didn't want to answer or even look at the half piglin. He hated being told what to do all the time. Technoblade wasn't even his dad, but he still acts like it all the time. Even though he is the soul protector of Tommy, it still bothers Tommy that he tells him what to do.

"Tommy, did you hear me?" Technoblade said a little louder.

"I understand." Tommy said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you." Techno ruffled around the prince's hair. "Come meet me in the arena when you are done."

Tommy didn't look back at Technoblade. He could hear the dining room door open and close. Someone else was let into the room and started walking towards the heir.

Tommy grabbed his fork and started to eat the pancakes. The food melted in his mouth. It was like nothing he had ever eaten. The cooks had always done a very good job on satisfying Tommy's rumbling stomach. This time they had done even better.

"Prince Tommy, how is your food." Ranboo's voice came from behind him.

Tommy rolled his eyes. He just wanted to be alone and eat. Couldn't someone just not interrupt him for one measly second.

"It's very good." Tommy said as he put another bite in his mouth.

"That is very good, your highness." Ranboo said, he walked out in front of him and stared down at the young heir.

Tommy stared up at the half enderman. His green and red eyes stared down at him. Half of his body was black and the other white. His long tail whipped back and forth. There were some jewels that hung from a silver chain, that hung on his head. His clothes were white and blue. Ranboo's horns were long and sharp, one of them was cut off at the tip. His smile was wide and like an enderman.

Tommy kept eating, hoping that Ranboo would leave eventually. He never hated the man, it's just he never gets to be alone at all. When he wakes up to when he goes to sleep, Tommy never gets to be alone for a moment.

The prince finished his food and stood up, looking over at the tall boy. "I guess we should head off to the arena now, shouldn't we?" 

 "Yes, your highness." Ranboo bowed.

The two started their walk to the fighting arena. When the guards saw the prince, they bowed down to him. 

They both walked down the large hallway with huge glass windows and lilacs that hung from the pillars. Tommy looked out the huge stained glass windows. The colors shown down on him and made the hallway look good. Its large quartz pillars made the red carpet stand out. All the quartz was lined with gold to make it look very good. Gold was also his mother's favorite.

Two guards opened the doors to the arena. Many guards were practicing their arrows and swords. Technoblade was fighting against two soldiers, of course he was winning.

Tommy sighed gently and began to walk forward, wishing he didn't have to do this.

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