Chapter 29

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The sound of knocking woke Tommy up. He slowly opened his eyes and almost got blinded from the sun shining down on him from his windows. He rolled over in his bed and watched as the door opened to reveal a slightly smiling Ranboo.

"Hey, buddy." Ranboo softly spoke. "Are you ready for today?"

Tommy had almost forgotten that he was gonna be the king today. "No." He grabbed his pillow and put it over his head. "I don't wanna leave my bed."

Ranboo walked into the room and started to get some nice clothes out of the closet, for Tommy to wear. "Once it's done, I can bring you back in here."

"I have to talk to my subjects during the stupid party, Ranboo." Tommy said as he sat up in his bed. "Apparently it's customary."

Ranboo pulled out a beautifully red vest, with some engraves on it, and a pure white shirt to wear under it. He placed it on the bed and went to grab some pants as the prince put on his clothes.

"I really wish you didn't have to go through this." Ranboo told him, pulling out black dress pants and handing it over to Tommy. "The council should've waited a few more years."

"Well, they couldn't wait three more years for me to be the king." Tommy said, putting on his pants and buttoning down the red vest. "They told Philza that it could bring the kingdom to war if we didn't have a king."

Tommy sat down on the chair that faced the mirror. He looked at his tired eyes, knowing that he didn't sleep that well last night. His hair was a mess, which is why Ranboo has to comb it for him. Everything about him looks so tired and depressed.

Ranboo gently combed the tired prince's hair. "Has Dream been torturing you again?"

Tommy looked at Ranboo through the mirror and glanced at his crown. " dream last night was him killing me in front of everyone in the kingdom. I swear it was almost real."

Tommy could feel his hands shake. When he said that, he remembered back to when Dream forced Tommy to look at him. That distorted face was the only thing that scared him more than anything else. Dream's face was so broken and scary. His teeth were so sharp, and when he put it over his head, it was the scariest thing ever.

"Are you gonna be ok today?" Ranboo asked, finishing combing up Tommy's hair.

"I'll be fine." Tommy told him. "I just hope that Dream doesn't do anything to me ever again."

Tommy looked over at his crown. His reflection stared back at him as Ranboo picked it up and got ready to put it on his head. The half enderman walked over and placed it on the prince's head. Tommy stared at himself with the crown on. He looked so tired.

"I'm not ready." Tommy said, staring down at his hands. "I don't wanna be the king."

Ranboo smoothed out the wrinkles in Tommy's shirt, it make it look nicer. "If you want, I can stand by your side and make sure that you're not alone at the throne."

Tommy looked over at him and smiled. "I would like that."

A soft knocking came from the door. They two looked over to see one giant black crow wing go through the door and Philza.

He smiled widely at Tommy. "Hey, mate." Phil said. "Are you ready for today?"

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