Chapter 34

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Tommy stared at throne. It gave off a very ominous vibe. It called to him, but at the same time, it was asking him to not sit on it. The boy could see Dream sitting down on it, like he was the goddamn king instead of Tommy. Like it was his trophy for winning.

He blinked and Dream was gone.

It was only his imagination.

A hand was placed on Tommy's shoulder. "Come on, Tommy." Technoblade said. "Lets go sit you down on your rightful throne."

Tommy swallowed air. He stared back at the throne and sighed. Taking a step closer, he felt his anxiety grow.

There were two voices, in Tommy's head, that were telling him what to do. One was stealing him to turn back and run. The other was beckoning him to come towards the throne and sit down before his subjects. Both were very loud in his head.

Stress filled the king's heart as he kept taking more, and more, steps closer that throne. Tommy didn't know what to do as he kept walking. It was either sit on that throne, or listen to the other voice and run away before it was too late. was too late...

By the time Tommy decided to listen to the other voice, he was already at the steps of the seat. He could feel the eyes, of everyone in the room, on him. All of those wanting him to sit down.

He stepped up towards the throne. Tommy ran his fingers down the arm rests. He looked up and just stared at the seat.

Tommy stood there for a good minute before sitting down. As he looked up, he saw the crowd of people looking up at him. All of them seemed to stare in regret for a little bit before they started clapping.

The king had soon realized that this almost looked exactly like his dream. Everyone was standing in right place, all but Tommy. Dream wasn't around yet though, or at least not that you could see. That made Tommy get confused on where the green man was.

"Tommy," a voice whispered from the side of the throne. Tommy looked down to see Ranboo looking up at him. ", why don't you stand up? Their gonna wanna see the king"

The boy looked back out into the crowd and stood up. Once he looked up, all he saw was the dream again. Everything was exactly the same. Everyone was wearing the same clothes, everyone was standing the same spots.

Surely not- Tommy looked to the side of the room and, of course, Dream stood there, with a huge smile.

Dream's smile looked broken, but not distorted.

No one even in the room could see him. Tommy was the only one freaking out in his head. He didn't want anyone to know why he was freaking out, but knew he couldn't hide it for long. It wouldn't take long for General Technoblade to notice he was about to cry. And Tommy was right. Techno had noticed and started to walk over.

Tommy felt a bit relief once he saw that Techno was on his way over. But he quickly stopped once he noticed Dream also started to walk over.

This reality was exactly like his dream, so everything would most likely happen like it.

Tommy felt tears start to escape. They slowly ran down his face and everyone stopped when they watched him start crying. His hands clenched into fists and started to shake. Ranboo called for him, asking if he was ok.

"Tommy? What's wrong?" Ranboo asked.

"R-Ranboo..." Tommy began, but stopped when he saw Dream in the corner of his eye.

Ranboo looked to where Tommy was looking and saw nothing. He soon knew that Dream was here. He walked up the stairs and grabbed Tommy's hand.

"I-it's ok. I'll keep you safe. I promise I'm here." Ranboo said, hoping in would calm the boy down a bit.

Techno got to the throne and walked up the stairs. He placed his hands on Tommy's shoulders and met him at eye level.

"Tommy, what's happening?" Techno said.

"H-he's gonna k-kill me..." Tommy said, barely able to form that sentence. "I don't wanna d-die!"

Technoblade looked over his shoulder, to look for any danger. He had on a scowl when he turned, but it turned to confusion when he saw nothing there. The piglin looked back with one eyebrow raised.

"There's no one there, Tommy." Techno said.

Tommy looked back up. His knees gave out and he fell down, sitting down on his feet. Dream was closer and beginner to look more like the Dreamon than before.

Kristen was wrong! Tommy thought to himself. I'm not strong enough! I'm not gonna win this fight...

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