Chapter 31

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General Technoblade led the rest towards the balcony that hung in front of the entire kingdom. The doors, that led to the outside, weren't open yet and a man stood in front of the doors, talking to someone.

That man was the person that was gonna turn Tommy into the king. He was wearing nice and silky clothes that were the colors white and blue, the kingdom colors. The old man noticed Technoblade and saluted to him when they walked over. When he saw Tommy, he over course bowed down to him.


"My prince." He man spoke as he bowed down. "I hope you are having a good day."

Tommy didn't know what to say. He knew he had to be polite and talk to him, but nothing came out. He didn't want to talk.

Philza must've noticed Tommy didn't want to talk since he put his hand on the boy's shoulder and started to talk. "He is having a good day, thank you."

The man stood up straight and had to go back to organizing the ceremony.

As he walked away, Tommy noticed that he walked towards a golden crown. That crown was his father's, the king's old crown. That was the crown that was worn for many generations by all of his old ancestors. And now, today he was gonna wear it.

Ranboo had noticed it too and was admiring it as well. Those two had never been this close to the crown and now they were both standing right in front of it. It was always hidden away so no one could find it and now it was there, ready to be placed on it's new king.

"That's what you're gonna wear." Ranboo whispered to Tommy, not loud enough so no one else could hear.

"Yeah." Tommy whispered back. "That's the crown all my grandfather's and father had worn over the years. Now, it's my turn."

"I can't believe that's gonna be your crown." Ranboo said to Tommy. "It's so much more bigger and shiner than your crown."

"I know right." Tommy said.

The two almost started laughing, but were trying to hold it in. They kept whispering to each other, even though it wasn't necessary. They both didn't have to whisper, but they were just being kids and having fun.

"What're you two laughing at over here?" One of the guards, Sapnap, spoke.

Ranboo and Tommy almost jumped out of their boots when Sapnap spoke. The guard scared the crap out of them both.

"Where'd you come from?" Ranboo asked Sapnap.

"Come on, dude, I'm here to protect you guys while Tommy becomes our new king. Might as well talk before the thing begins."

The actual coronation didn't start until the afternoon, in a hour or so. They just had to wait for everyone to show up.

Sapnap looked down at the prince and bowed down to him. "Might as well bow now so I don't get in trouble."

Tommy rolled his eyes while Ranboo slammed his hand over his mouth to not burst out laughing.

"Yeah. Yeah." Tommy said, blushing from embarrassment.

Sapnap let out a laugh, and so did Ranboo. Tommy rolled his eyes and let out a breathy laugh. This moment, of them laughing, eased Tommy's mind for a little bit.

Sapnap stood up straight and smirked a mischievous grin. "You wanna see a cool trick?" The guard asked.

He snapped his fingers and a small fire appeared in it. Ranboo and Tommy got memorized by it. Tommy had known that Sapnap was a demon, and was born in the Nether.

Ranboo touched the small fire and quickly pulled his hand away when it burned his finger. Sapnap giggled and then lowered it down to Tommy. Tommy stared at the small fire in the guard's hand. He felt a sensation that wanted him to touch it. Tommy fought it and pulled his arm away from it.

"That's pretty cool." Tommy said.

"I know right?" Sapnap said.

Technoblade called over Sapnap, so he had to leave the two.

Tommy and Ranboo, now having to wait for an hour, they sat down on the floor and just talked to each other. They talked about their lives and what they both wanted to do.

Tommy smiled.

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