Chapter 20

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Tommy walked backwards until he hit the other side of the hallway behind him. Dream walked with him and smiled while doing so. The young prince was afraid of the man. He tried to scream for help, but nothing came out.

"Are you gonna answer my question?" Dream asked.

Tommy didn't want to respond. He was too afraid to answer.

" are trying to get rid of me, aren't you?" Dream said.

"W-why wouldn't I? You killed my parents and you tried to kill me!" Tommy yelled, hoping someone heard it.

"I? They wanted their fate. They asked for it for a very long time. But what would you know? You're just a kid. You'd never understand." Dream smirked.

Tommy could feel himself start to sweat. He hated the fact that this man looked over him and smiled while admitting that he killed his parents.

Remember. Don't show any fear. Tommy told himself. Don't let him get in your mind.

"I'm not afraid of you." Tommy said as he tried to make himself look intimidating.

"Trying make yourself look more scarier?" Dream's smile seemed to get creepier. "Good luck with that. You are the one that fears me. I don't fear you, Tommy."

Tommy took in a shaky breath. He was trying his best to show that he wasn't afraid. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. His hands shook with fear.

Tommy didn't even realize that Dream had opened the window behind him. It let in a little breeze and startled him when he realized it was open.

The prince whipped around and looked out the window. You could hear birds flying around and outside and singing their songs.

"I-" Tommy began to say, but stopped when he felt Dream shove him almost out the window. "S-stop! Please!"

Dream smile got wider. "Oh come on now."

"Dream, I don't wanna die! Please stop!" Tommy yelled.

"Tommy?" A voice yelled from down the hall, it sounded like Ranboo's.

"Ranboo! Help!" Tommy screamed.

You could hear Ranboo's footsteps get louder and faster. He was running to Tommy, and very fast as well.

Tommy could feel relief come over him when he saw Ranboo turn the corner. His relief soon went away when he saw Ranboo's face turn to fear when he saw Tommy leaning out the window.

"Tommy!" Ranboo ran over to him and pulled him back into the castle. "What are you doing?"

"Ranboo, listen to me." Tommy grabbed the tall boy's shoulders. "You have to understand that I'm not the one doing that. Please understand that someone is trying to kill me. He killed my parents and I'm next."

Ranboo's face was filled with disappointment and worry. Tommy could tell that he didn't believe him at all. No one would. They would all think he was crazy and just depressed. He wasn't. Dream was trying to kill him.

"Please talk, Ranboo." Tommy begged. "I'm not strong enough to fight off the demon hurting me. I need your help."

Ranboo sighed and pulled the prince into a hug. "Ok. I believe you. Just promise me you'll be ok."

Tommy let go of Ranboo and almost punched the wall. "That's the thing! I don't think I'm ok. Dream has taken control of me and is trying to kill me! Ranboo, I can't fight alone, please help me."

Ranboo slightly smiled. "Ok...I'll help you."

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