Chapter 22

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The young prince stared into the man's line green eyes, that glowed brightly. He didn't want to look him deep into the eyes, but it was the only way to face his fear.

"Now. What are you doing in my domain?" Dream asked, still in the same position as Tommy's.

"I'm here to finally get rid of you and show what you did to my parents!" Tommy yelled.

Dream let out a breathy laugh. Was he mocking the prince?

"You seem so happy to be the person you are." Tommy's nose scrunched up.

"Well, like Kristen said, I'm not a human." Dream spread out his arms. "I'm what you call the Dreamon."

A sound came from the darkness, a growling. It was very loud and sounded very big.

A very large creature crawled out from the darkness. It looked to be the cross between a dragon and a demon. It moved behind Dream and stared down at Tommy.

"W-what is that?!" Tommy was taking aback by the large creature.

"This is my other form. His name is Dreamon." Dream seemed to smile. "Well, it's actually my actual form. My human form is much more weaker than this one."

Tommy could feel his heart start to race. Looking at that huge creature, it scared him. It was so huge and intimidating. That monster could destroy his entire kingdom within seconds.

"Oh, don't worry." Dream smiled as he scratched the chin of the creature. "It won't hurt you at all."

"What do you mean 'it won't hurt me?' Look at that thing! It could kill me with one sweep!" Tommy yelled.

Both of them stared down at Tommy. The Dreamon growled some more, but stopped when Dream placed his hand on his nose.

"Oh, come on, Tommy, don't be like that." Dream said, his chin up in the air, but staring down at the scared boy.

Tommy took in a breath and stood up. "I will be however I want to." Tommy spoke, trying to make himself scary. "I am the heir to the throne and I demand you get out of me!"

Dream's smile went away and the face of annoyance crossed his face. "You think I care that you are a prince? You think we care that you are gonna be king? Tommy, you aren't the ruler of me. You can't control what I do or anything. You aren't in control of me. So, good luck trying to tell me what to do."

The prince felt his knees start to shake. He was hoping that Ranboo was gonna wake him up soon.

Come on, Ranboo. Tommy thought. Help me. I need you.

The Dreamon took a step closer to Tommy and then another step. His teeth shined when he opened his mouth to growl some more. Some saliva suck to the his upper teeth and even the bottom. Tommy's fear rose higher than ever and he wanted Ranboo to come save him immediately.

"'s gonna h-hurt me..." Tommy felt a sharp pain in his arm, almost like a dagger was cut into it.

"No. No. No." Dream spoke. "We are only here to help you. Just trust me."

"Never!" Tommy yelled. "I am not your stupid puppet! I am not a toy to play with! I will prove to the entire kingdom that you were the one who killed my parents!"

"No one will believe you." Dream's voice got serious all of a sudden. He walked closer and looked down at Tommy. "No matter what you say, everyone will think you are crazy."

Tommy had realized what he meant. No one but him and his parents had seen Dreamon. Whenever he would try to explain it to people, they would look at him weirdly. Ranboo and Kristen were the only ones that believed him.

The prince felt his body go into a sudden thrust and sent him to the ground. He could see the void around him start to crack and break. Dream and the Dreamon looked around and went to grab Tommy. Before they got to him, something grabbed Tommy's shoulder and pulled him away into the breaking void.



"Tommy!" Ranboo spoke, shaking the boy awake.

Tommy opened his eyes and saw that he was laying on his back, with Ranboo hovering over him and his hands ready to shake him awake again. He could feel that his left sleeve was wet and didn't know why.

"Ranboo?" Tommy was in a very quiet, tired, voice. "W-What happened?"

"You're awake." You could hear Ranboo's voice light up. "You're finally awake."

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