Chapter 18

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Kristen, Philza's wife, she knew everything about everything. She was always the person that everyone went to. She knew how to solve every problem that was thrown at the kingdom, maybe she could solve Tommy's problem.

I have to go see Kristen. Tommy thought. She can help me.

Tommy knew he had to leave to go see her. He needed to leave without worrying everyone in the kingdom.

"Tommy," Phil spoke, his voice sounded a little angry. ",what were you thinking?"

Tommy didn't want to respond. He just wanted to leave and go see Kristen.

"Tommy, answer me." You could hear the anger in Phil's voice raise.

"Listen, Phil, I need to go see Kristen." Tommy said, trying to break away.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere, mate." Phil held a tighter grasp on the prince's arms. "You did something that was very stupid and made the rest of us fear for you."

Tommy shrunk down. He knew the mistake he had made. No. Dream had him do it. It wasn't him, it was Dream. Dream has guided the knife towards his wrist.

Tommy tried to escape Phil's grip. "Phil, I need to go see someone."

Phil looked worriedly into Tommy's eyes. He sighed and let him go.

Tommy immediately jumped up and started to run into the castle. Technoblade started to run faster him, but Philza didn't let him leave the garden.

The prince ran down the halls, looking for the one room that held the answer to what he wanted to know.

Soon, he finally found it. His eyes stared at the huge purple door. On it was engraved with wings and an orb in the middle.

Tommy went to open the door, but hesitated. Something didn't want him to open that door.

Come on, just open the door. Tommy told himself. It's not that hard.

While he fought himself, the door opened by itself. The coldness from the room hit his body and made Tommy shiver. The room gave off a ominous glow and feeling. You could barley see into the room at all.

Something pushed the prince to go inside.

The more he walked, the colder it seemed to get. A light blue glow came from the dark and further into the room.

As Tommy got closer, he could hear a slight humming.

Soon she finally appeared.

"Prince Tommy, you need something?"

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