Chapter 19

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"Am I interrupting you?" Tommy asked as he walked closer to the woman in front of him.

Kristen turned around and smiled warmly at the boy. Her black hat, with the veil, covered up her face except for her dark colored lips. Three roses sat on top of that hat, a gift from Philza. Her black shiny dress dragged behind her as she walked closer to the young prince.

"Come, my boy." Kristen said as she beckoned the boy to sit down on the ground with her. "Join me in some tea."

Tommy sat down, on the floor, in front of an orb. The orb was said to hold many truths and secrets in it, only Kristen could access its power.

"So what troubles you?" She asked as she poured Tommy tea and then handed it to him.

"I-I'm not sure if you heard what I did, but-" Tommy began to say, but Kristen holding up her hand to speak stopped him.

"My Tommy, what you did was never your fault." Kristen took a sip from her cup.

Tommy exhaled slowly. He was nervous to be talking about his problems in front of her. He had never done those before. But she was the only one that could help him. Kristen was the only one that could save him.

"I know it's not my fault, it's that stupid man's-"

"Dreamon." Her voice seemed to get deeper.

Tommy looked up at her in shook. She was so sure that it was that man. She knew who was controlling him. The only thing was that Tommy did not know what the Dreamon was.

"D-Dreamon? What's that?" Tommy asked, taking a sip of tea so he wouldn't hurt her feelings.

"The Dreamon is a very powerful creature." She spoke. "It finds out the weaknesses of its victims and uses it against them. I have seen it's powers so many times before, it's sickening. Most people who are affiliated with the creature, is said to die shortly after."

Tommy froze. He was afraid to move at all. The Dreamon was inside of him and controlling everything he did. Was it gonna succeed?

Tommy shook and he could feel tears start to form. "A-am I gonna d-die?"

Kristen looked at the boy. She moved over to him and pulled Tommy into a hug.

"Oh, my boy, I will never let any harm come to you." Kristen said, scratching Tommy's hair to calm him down.

Tommy hugged her back. Kristen has always felt like a second mother to him. She always took care of him as a kid and still today. She always was there to help him whenever he needed it.

"So, can't help me..." Tommy asked, he could feel tears start to roll down his eyes.

"Tommy," Kristen pulled the boy back and placed her hands on his shoulders. ", I can try to help you the best I can, but you have to do this on your own."

Tommy could see a slight purple glow come from the other side of the veil. Even though he couldn't see her eyes, Tommy knew he was looking at her eyes.

The young prince was worried for his safety. Even the goddess of death couldn't help him in this moment. She couldn't interfere with the power of the Dreamon. He had to do this all on his own.

"So, what do I do now?" Tommy asked.

"You have to find its weakness." Kristen said as she stood up, her huge black wings ruffled around. "I'm so sorry, young one, but this is something you have to do on your own."

Tommy sighed and stood up. "Thank you for your help." He told her.

She smiled gently at him and raised her hand.  The curtains, that kept the light from coming in, blew up and the room got a little bit colder.

Tommy turned around and walked out of the room. Once he got out of the room, the presence of someone behind appeared. He turned around and standing there was Dream, smiling down at him.

"So, you're learning how to get rid of me?" Dream said, his smile got wider.

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