Chapter 30

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Tommy and Ranboo blankly stared at Phil. The crow had a on a gentle smile. Phil walked into the room and could clearly see Tommy's outfit.

Tommy watched as Phil stared at him for a couple seconds and then a face of regret appeared. Phil looked so upset to see Tommy dressed as that.

"Hey, Phil..." Tommy forced a small smile.

" look good." Phil said, walking over and brushing off something that was on his shirt. "Once you are done, I'm taking you two to go meet Technoblade in the throne room."

Tommy stared back at himself. He really wished that today wasn't today. He didn't even want to be the king.

Tommy sighed and stood up. "Alright...let's go..."

Phil ruffled around the prince's hair and walked out of the room. Ranboo and Tommy followed closely behind the crow. The guards all around them were running around and cleaning up the castle, all of them bowing every time they saw Tommy.

As they got closer to the throne room, Tommy noticed that everything was much more cleaner and organized than usual. Guards were putting up new and fresh lilacs into their pots, in the pillars. The lilacs were able to calm him down just a little bit, but he was still tense.

Two guards, Antfrost and Badboyhalo, opened the door for the three and bowed down to them. When the door opened, they saw Technoblade talking to one of the council members in front of the throne.

"Techno!" Phil yelled across the room. "Is everything ready for today yet?"

The General turned around and looked at Tommy. "Yes, everything is ready and in place." Techno walked over and bowed down to the prince. "My prince, Tommy, are you nervous at all?"

Tommy clenched his hands into fists. "I don't wanna do this, Technoblade."

Techno looked back up at him and had a sympathetic look. "I know. I wish they didn't have to pick today."

Techno placed his hand on the kid's head and made him look up at him. Tommy's light blue sky eyes met the dark blood red eyes of Technoblade. Even though looking at the piglin's eyes always gave him a chill down his spine, the look in them looked sad.

"You don't have to worry about anything." Techno spoke. "I will be by your side no matter what happens today and make sure you are safe."

The prince felt a hand be placed onto his shoulder, he could tell that it was Phil's. "You promise?" Tommy asked Technoblade.

"Yes, I promise." Techno said, taking his hand off the boy's head and going back to talk with the council member.

When Techno turned to go back to talking, you could feel his anger rise once he saw the member. Everyone in the kingdom still despised them for making Tommy king this young. That man was one of them who chose for him to be the king at fifteen. Sometimes, everyone thinks that Techno and Phil are very close to even killing one of them.

"Tommy!" Wilbur's voice said from the doors. Tommy turned and was met with Wilbur hugging the boy. "I hope you had a good night sleep last night." Wilbur whispered to him, meaning about his visit with Tubbo.

"I did." Tommy told him, knowing that he lied and so did Ranboo, but they both didn't say anything more.

"Good, because today is the day..." Wilbur's voice suddenly trailed off, like he was thinking about something.

Phil grabbed Wilbur's shoulder and whispered something into his son's ear. After that, the mentor seemed to calm down a bit. Tommy watched as Wilbur forced a little smile and was about to speak, but walked away instead. No one said anything when they watched him walk out those doors.

Once Wilbur left the room, Techno started yelling. Everyone in the room turned around to see the half piglin yelling at the member. The man was trying to act like he wasn't scared, but you could obviously tell he was. No one could really tell what Techno was saying, but it ended in him telling the member to leave.

"Techno, what happened?" Phil asked, as Techno walked over.

Techno looked down at Tommy. "Nothing. Nothing happened." He smoothed out his hair and started to walk away, beckoning the three to follow him. "Let's hurry. We don't wanna be late."

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