Chapter 7

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Tw: attempted die

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked, in shock that the man from his dream was suddenly here.

"Well, Phil did seem very angry, but so did you." The man looked over at Tommy and smiled. "I could hear you two really getting at it in there. I wonder what would happen if something else happened."

Tommy stepped back.

He didn't even know who this person was, but yet he was in his dream. That man had to do something with Tommy. Tommy had to figure it out before it's too late.

"Who are you?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, how silly of me. I didn't even introduce myself." The man held out his hand. "My name is Dream."

Tommy grabbed the Dream's hand and shook it. He was very hesitant to shake the strange man's hand. It had gloves with fingerless holes on it. The man was very creepy.

"You are from my dream." Tommy said, quietly.

"The one from last night?" Dream pulled his hand away and slightly giggled. "Oh yeah. You looked so nervous once you saw me. And that sword, it must've felt weird to be there."

Tommy stepped back in shock. Dream knew everything about his dream, but it wasn't real. Then, how does he remember it. It's not possible that someone in the real word would know about that dream from last night.

Dream had to be lying. He had to be.

"'re lying..." Tommy said, scared to say anything more.

"Am I?" Dream said that with such seriousness, even though he had smile across his face.

"W-what do you want from me?..." Tommy wanted to run away.

"I don't want anything from you, Prince Tommy. It's more like, you want something from me." Dream smirked.

Tommy tried to think of something. There was nothing he really wanted from anyone. Well...there was one thing, but no body can stop it. Not even the most powerful person can stop him from his fate. Somethings are just forced to meant to be.

"Maybe it's not being strong. Maybe it's not the fact that you're having terrible nightmares. Or it's the fact that you are gonna be king within a couple days." Dream whispered into Tommy's ear. "I've heard how you don't wanna be the king, Tommy. I can make that dream come true."

Tommy felt the loneliness in his heart grow. He felt like he was suddenly all alone once again. Did Dream really mean what he said? Can he help Tommy?

"Are you telling the truth?" Tommy asked, staring into the mans emerald glowing eyes.

Dream stared at Tommy and smiled more. "I am."

Those two words made Tommy feel reassurance for some reason. It felt like all the weight on his shoulders were finally off and he could breathe again. He wasn't that stressed anymore,
but the loneliness still stayed. Tommy was just happy that he didn't have to be the king at a young age anymore.

"So, how are you gonna help me?" Tommy asked.

Dream grabbed Tommy hands and started to walk backwards. Tommy got pulled along with the smiling green man. It felt like it were just those two alone together.

Dream brought Tommy to a balcony that overlooked the village and entire kingdom below. Tommy places his hands on the golden rails and stared down at the ground below. He could feel the man put his hand on his shoulder, as a way of supporting him.

"I think you know what else to do." Tommy could hear Dream say.

Tommy didn't respond back. All he did was start to climb onto the rails. He looked at the huge land below. Everything glimmered in the sunlight.

Tommy put his feet on the ledge, on the other side of the rail. One slip and everything would be over. This felt freeing though. It felt like he would finally be free from anything.

The prince let go of the railing and let himself fall. Everything was now better. A smile started to come across his face.

Just before he could get far, a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the balcony. Tommy's head smacked against the hard concrete. When he opened his eyes he saw Technoblade standing over him, anger all over his face.

Techno grabbed his shoulders and started to scream. "Are you insane?!"

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