Chapter 15

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Tw: mentions of suicide, death

"Your father, the King, was a very brave-hearted, strong, and caring man. He was always wanting to care for your mother or the kingdom or just you.

I remember that he would always go to your room at night, just to make sure that you were safe.

I would hate it whenever I couldn't find him anywhere. He would always play games with me and the guards, tricking us all the time. He would always hide behind curtains or in rooms. Sometimes, he would even sneak up behind me and scare me.

Then, there was your mother. She was a very caring Queen. Her heart was filled to the brim with love. She would always make sure everyone was ok and that we were well fed.

When the kingdom was told that the royals were gonna have you, she was the only one that celebrated the most. Of course the rest of the kingdom was happy, but none like you mother's.

She always loved to come here, to the garden, and take care of the flowers. Sometimes, she would lean up against the tree and sing to you, when you were still in her belly. Her songs were well loved throughout the lands. Everyone wanted to hear her voice.

There was only once that she had sung to me in private.

We were alone in the garden together and she asked if I was ok. I had an awful day and wanted to be alone, but it was still my duty to protect her. She sat me down and began to sing to me while planting her flowers. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Sometimes, I wish I could still go back to hear it.

Then, you were born. The entire kingdom celebrated your birth and you father held a ceremony. The King stood on that balcony and announced that the heir to the throne was here.

Phil and I stood off to the side and watched as everyone screamed with joy. Your mother turned to me, holding you in her arms, a smile across her face.

She walked over and reached you out towards me. Her words still ring through my ears. "You want to hold my Tommy?"

I was very hesitant at first, but Philza nudged me to hold you. I grabbed you and held you gently in my arms. You whines just a little bit before grabbing my finger and calming down. You looked so peaceful while you slept.

I had never held something so...small. It was something that was so new to me. I never wanted to let you go, but Phil wanted to hold you as well.

Phil took you from my arms and held you in his. He looked so happy as well.

As the King's announcements still went on, Wilbur snuck onto the balcony and walked over to us. Phil knelt down and let him look at you. I had never seen a smile so big.

As the years went by, your father started to...change. He would often tell me of a voice in his head that would tell him dangerous things. I did my best to help, but we know it didn't work out to well.

Then one night, while everyone was asleep, your father had walked into the throne room and...stabbed himself. We found his body and cries spread throughout the kingdom. Your mother cried the most.

After a day, or two, I was making a trip around the castle. I heard a thud come from the throne room. I opened the door to be met with the Queen lying on the floor, next to he throne. A golden cup and rolled away from her.

I ran as fast as I could. Her eyes were barley open, but when I got her, they were closed. Grabbing her in my arms, I held her tightly. She was already gone when I got to her.

I tried to wake her up, but nothing worked. Eventually, the guards rushed in and tried to wake her as well. We were all too late.

While they took care of the Queen, I examined the cup. It had poison in it. She poisoned herself.

The kingdom was informed of her death and everyone mourned. Then, they all started to question what would happen to you. You were only three. You were too young to be the king and rule.

The council soon decided that you would be the king at fifteen. And now, here we were only three..."

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