Chapter 11

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Tommy sat up in bed and covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream. He bit the insides of his cheeks, hoping to keep any sound from coming out. He felt like the room was spinning around him. It felt like he might fall out of the world.

Tommy looked over and saw that Wilbur was still fast asleep in the bed, his back turned towards the prince. Tommy could hear the man's gentle snoring. Wilbur looked so peaceful as he slept. Why couldn't Tommy be as calm as him?

Tommy reaches over to Wilbur's shoulder, hoping to have something to calm him down. When Wilbur moves a tiny bit, Tommy quickly pulled his hand away.

I don't need to wake him up. Tommy thought to himself. It's already morning anyways. I'll just let him sleep.

The prince quietly got out of bed and walked over to the windows. He could see the people down in the village walking around and talking. When Tommy opened the window, he could hear birds just starting to wake up and sing their songs to the morning sky. Their songs sounded almost like Wilbur playing the guitar.

He turned around to see the old guitar still leaning against the bed. It's beautiful oak wood shown from the light. It's strings looked so peaceful as it sat there.

Tommy walked over to it and ran his fingers down it. He could feel every little crack through it. The guitar was very old and had been through so much. It was his grandfather's guitar, so of course it still looked pretty.

A smile swept across the boy's face when he plucked at one of the strings.

Tommy picked up the guitar and was ready to play it. As he got ready to play to his hearts content, he stopped when he felt something was off again.

The feeling of loneliness and overwhelming cane over him like a wave. It was like Tommy was stuck out in the ocean and kept getting pulled under the waves. That he was all alone and nobody was coming to save him. Tommy was gonna be stuck out there and nobody was gonna save him.

"As you were." Wilbur's tired voice came from behind him.

Tommy turned around to see Wilbur smiling down at him, waiting for the boy to play a tune.

" I wasn't gonna play anything." Tommy said as he leaned the guitar back against the bed.

"Are you sure?" Wilbur asked sitting up on the bed. "You seemed to want to play it very badly."

"Just shut up." Tommy said.

Wilbur giggled and stretched as he stood up. There was a smile still across his face. Tommy wanted to be like Wilbur and be happy too.

"Now, shall we go eat?" Wilbur asked Tommy as he was walking over to the door.

Tommy looked back at the guitar. "Right begins you."

The prince grabbed his crown and placed it on his head. He then ran after Wilbur, who was already on his way to the dining hall. When Tommy finally caught up to his mentor, he was out of breath and his throat felt like it was closing up on him.

"Out of breath?" Wilbur asked, one eyebrow raised in the air and a stupid grin still across his face.

"Yes." Tommy answered between breaths.

As the got to the hall, they saw Ranboo pacing back and forth. Once Ranboo saw the prince, he ran over and looked worried.

"Philza was very worried about you last night." Ranboo explained. "After you stormed out, he sent guards to go look for you. Then General Technoblade came in and told us something that we all prayed isn't true. Prince Tommy, did...did you let go."

Tommy saw the man looked very worried and scared for the prince's life. Whatever came out of his mouth now would sound bad no matter what. Now the kingdom is gonna make sure he is extra safe. Hopefully they would soon realize the truth to the situation.

"Look, Ranboo, I don't really wanna talk about it right now." Tommy said as he walked pass and let the guards open the door. "Let's go and eat, shall we?"

The half enderman stared blankly at the prince. He was worried that Tommy was gonna try something everyday now. Or possibly something worst.

Ranboo snapped out of it when he felt Wilbur nudge his arm. He looked up and saw him nod and start to follow Tommy into the room.

Ranboo sighed. Whatever you try next, Tommy, I'll be here to save you.

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