Chapter 3

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Tommy walked into the training arena, where guards were training. He saw that the General had noticed him and started to walk over. Technoblade drew out an iron sword and threw it over to Tommy. Tommy grabbed it in the air. He stared down at the shiny metal, he could see his reflection in it. 

"So, are you going to fight me or are you gonna stand there?" Technoblade said, walking over to the fighting arena.

"I'm coming." Tommy said, annoyed.

He walked over and got into the arena. Guards surrounded the arena and watched from the other side of the railing. Tommy stood in position, waiting for Techno to throw a move first. Techno just stared at him. He was waiting the perfect moment to attack. Tommy knew he might have to go first.

Tommy swung his sword. Techno dove under it and swept Tommy's legs out from under him. The young boy fell backwards and onto his back. He looked up to see a sword coming down towards him. He grabbed his sword and blocked the one coming down at him.

Sweat started to come out of Tommy's forehead. He was nervous of missing one of the powerful swings that Techno would give. He didn't even like to fight. He just wanted to sit back and relax.

"Focus." Techno said, drawing his sword back, letting the prince stand up. "In battel, you can never afford to lose focus. You will regret it."

"I am." Tommy said as he got back onto his feet.

He was pushed to the ground again.

"You aren't." Techno said, his sword pointing at Tommy's throat. "I just shoved you to the ground again and you didn't even bother to fight back."

Probably because I'm too tired to fight anymore. Tommy said to himself.

"I just...I can't...I don't wanna fight anymore...I'm too tired..." Tommy said, sitting on his feet.

"I have fought when I was extremely tired and you see me perfectly fine." Techno walked out in front of Tommy to face him.

"It's a different type of tired." Tommy got back up onto his feet, not wanting to fight anymore. "You wouldn't understand."

Techno stared at the boy. His bright blue eyes seemed darker than usual and much more empty. Tommy didn't even bother to fix his hair that much anymore. It always drooped down and almost covered one of his eyes.

The General sighed and dismissed the boy. Tommy got up and walked away, Ranboo following him. Tommy could feel all the guards stare at him as he walked back to his room. He could hear the tall half enderman running to catch up with him. He just wanted to be left alone. Just everyone leave him alone.

Tommy got to his room and started to shut the door. A hand shoved itself into the room and pulled the door open. Ranboo poked his head in. His face filled with worry.

"Prince Tommy, are you alright?" Ranboo asked, trying to get into the room, but Tommy wouldn't let him. "You didn't seem to happy today."

"Just get out, Ranboo." Tommy said as he pushed Ranboo out of his room. "I'm just tired and need rest."

Tommy shut the door all the way and leaned against the door. He could hear Ranboo about to knock, but pull himself back. The half enderman walked back down the hall. His footsteps got quieter until there wasn't sound anymore.

The prince closed his eyes and slide down on the ground. Wind blew through his windows and the curtains flowed in the wind. They were gentle and danced with the breeze. Tommy let the breeze flow through his lungs. The morning air was always nice to take in. He always enjoyed the morning breeze and wind.

Tommy stood up and went to the window. He looked down at the village below. People walked around and some flew through the air. Each of them had a normal life, unlike the prince.

Why do I have to be the prince? Tommy though to himself. I wish I was like them.

The sound of someone knocking on his door interrupted his thinking.

"Ranboo, I asked for you to leave me alone. Go away-" Tommy stared to say before the door opened and Wilbur's head popped in.

"I'm not Ranboo, but I can go if you want." Wilbur said.

Tommy slightly smiled. "You can come in."

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