Chapter 24

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"Wilbur..." Tommy said, nervously. "How are you?"

Wilbur cocked one of his eyebrows up. His stance looked like a dad that wanted to know everything about everything.

"Uhh...can I help you with anything?" Tommy said, knowing that this probably looks bad from Wilbur's point of view.

"Tommy, what are you doing?" Wilbur asked again, grabbing the bridge of his nose and sighing.

Tommy glanced back up the top of the wall. He really wanted to climb over it and go see his friend. The only thing that stood in his way was Wilbur.

The boy started to climb back down. "I was going no where." Tommy sighed with defeat.

Once he got to the ground, Tommy walked over to Wilbur and looked down at the floor. He didn't want to look at the disappointed mentor in front of him. Tommy just wished that he could jump over that wall and run away forever.

"Tommy, you're becoming king tomorrow, and you are trying to sneak out of the castle." Wilbur said, like a parent disciplining their kid.

"I...know..." The prince spoke quietly.

"You aren't gonna keep getting away with this." Wilbur said. "One day, Techno or Phil is gonna catch you sneaking out. I can't let you do this for much longer. Once you become the king, you are gonna have to stay in the castle from then on."

"I know!" Tommy said, hoping that he could leave just them and there. "That's why I hope you would understand."

Tommy looked over his shoulder and back at the leaning pillar. He really wanted to just run away from the conversation and climb up that wall.

Wilbur cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Understand what?"

"That this will be the last time I get to hang out with Tubbo. Once I become king, I won't be able to see him anymore. Sure I will probably see him at parties, but that's it! I can't talk to him anymore. This is the last time I get to see him as my best friend." Tommy could feel tears start to prick at his eyes. "I just want to see my Tubbo again. I just wanna be with him."

Tommy could feel Wilbur's eyes staring down at him. He didn't even want to be there anymore. He just wanted Tubbo.

There was a long awkward silence between them until Wilbur gently sighed and placed his hands on Tommy's shoulders. "Even though what I am about to do is wrong, it'll be worth it." He turned around and faced the opposite direction. "I didn't see you climb out of those walls. And I won't see you climb back in."

Tommy's eyes lit up as he knew what Wilbur was doing. Wilbur was letting him go see his friend one last time.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Wilbur's torso. "Thank you so much, Wilbur."

Wilbur patted Tommy's hands. "I know. I know. Now go, before Techno catches you."

Tommy took off towards the pillar. He jumped onto it and climbed up and sat at the top of the wall. He stared down at the sleeping village below the kingdom. He could finally live like a kid  for only a couple hours.

Before jumping down, Tommy took one last look at Wilbur. The man was still turned around and had his arms behind his back. Tommy really wanted to thank him again, but had to stay quiet to sneak out.

The prince jumped down from the wall and landed on the ground with a thud, not gracefully at all. Tommy landed on his feet and fell onto his stomach. It hurt, but that wouldn't stop him.

He quickly stood up and took off towards Tubbo's house. The night wind rushed past him, making him feel alive and free. Tommy had always loved sneaking out at night since he got to smell the nice cool air. Everything about the night was so freeing to him. Maybe, he could still do this as king.

He got into the village and had to run quietly, as not to wake anyone. He ran past every store and house and closer to Tubbo's house.

Once the house was in view, Tommy could feel his heart leap when he saw it. In one of the windows, was Tubbo looking out.

"Tubbo!" Tommy loudly whispered, getting to the window and knocking on it.

Tubbo's face lightened up when he saw Tommy. He opened the window and hugged Tommy.


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