Chapter 36

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"Leave me alone." Tommy said, placing his hand on the railing behind him.

"Oh come on, Tommy, you know I can't do that." Dream said with a smile.

That stupid smile looked mischievous. Dream was normal now, but he still looked terrifying. He looked normal, but he was still the Dreamon.

Dream took a step closer. Tommy leaned closer to the railing. If he moved any closer, he could fall to his death. He couldn't die now. He just couldn't.

"Such a beautiful sight, isn't it." Dream said, walking next to him and staring out at the horizon in the distance. "I would've given everything to see this view a thousand times over."

Tommy looked out to the horizon. He could see the flower field in the distance and a small Tubbo's house. It was the place he had just been last night, but it felt like it had been ages ago. Everything felt like it was going slow.

"Tommy?" Dream said, snapping Tommy out of his daydream. "Wouldn't you say it's a beautiful view?"

" is..." Tommy said, still staring at Tubbo's house, wanting to go visit again.

Dream moved away from the railing and back towards the doors, Tommy's eyes on him the whole time. If Tommy took his eyes off him for one second, something bad could happen. Dream could kill the last royal of this kingdom.

Dream fixes the mask on his face. "Now, let's talk."

"Talk about what?" Tommy said, narrowing his eyebrows. "About killing me? Killing me over my kingdom and getting your victory?"

"Now what would make you think that?" Dream smirked.

"You killed my parents! And you have tried to kill me several times!" Tommy yelled. "You're gonna kill me on this balcony, aren't you..?"

Dream moved the mask off his face, revealing his piercing green eyes, that beaded down on Tommy. His face had reassurance on it. It was like he actually cared for the boy, but he didn't. And that's what Tommy had to keep telling himself.

He doesn't care about you. Tommy told himself. He's just trying to trick you.

"I'm just tying to help you." Dream said with his arms out. "I'm your friend. Won't you let me help?"

"No." Tommy said, scrunching his nose up. "I will never listen to you."

Dream stared for a second then blinked. He sighed and placed his bed in his hand.

"Can't I just help a king, that obviously has no idea what he's doing?" Dream said, looking back up and started walking over to the king. "You just need a little more help with your fate."

Dream put his hand up and onto Tommy's chest. He could feel the boy's heart beat fast. The poor king was afraid of what was to happen to him. Whatever Dream did now, it would end in Tommy's death.

"I have tried help you so many times, Tommy, but now I'm thinking you don't like the help." Dream said.

Tommy grabbed Dream's wrist. "P-please, Dream. Don't do it."

Dream leaned in close and whispered in his ear. "Your fate is in my hands, Tommy. No matter what I do, you always push me away. Whatever I chose now, you can't do anything to stop me. I am in control."

"I'm not your damn, fucking, puppet!" Tommy yelled, holding Dream's wrist tighter.

Dream scoffed and pushed Tommy harder against the railing, leaning him over the edge. Soon, the railing would give away from the pressure. And he couldn't survive that fall. He wouldn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

"I think, Tommy, it's time for you to go see your parents." Dream finished that sentence with a push.

And Tommy fell.

The king fell and fell. He couldn't scream out for help. He was helpless. Tommy was falling too fast to stop himself against anything either. It was too late to be saved.

Goodbye everyone. Tommy cried. I'll miss you. Here I come, mom, and dad.

Tommy could feel the presence of his mother and father would him close. They were crying and hugging him as he fell. It was alike they were telling him it was gonna be ok. Soon, he would finally rest.

The king smiled.

As Tommy kept falling, and about to hit the ground, something lifted him up and stopped him from hitting the ground.


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