Chapter 21

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"So, what do we have to do to get rid of this Dream?" Ranboo asked.

Tommy and Ranboo walked down the halls of the castle, thinking of ways to get rid of Dream. Ranboo really worried for the boy's safety, but didn't want him to worry.

"I don't know." Tommy confessed. "Kristen told me that I had to take care of the Dreamon myself, but I don't know how."

"Well, we can study the way he thinks and acts." Ranboo suggested. "The next time he uses you, you can try to take control of the situation."

"I've tried that before." Tommy told him. "It ended up in you saving me a couple minutes ago."

Ranboo tried to think of anything. With his bad memory, he would forget what he said and would say the same thing over. Tommy hated whenever he did it, but knew his condition and didn't say anything.

As the two walked down the halls, they both tried to avoid anyone that was nearby. Tommy didn't want anyone to hear his plans about Dream. More people would think he is crazy if they found out about what he was planning to do.

"What does Dream do to you?" Ranboo asked.

"He tells me a lot of things and asks me to do one thing. I don't really want to say what that thing is at all." Tommy told him. "Dream gives off a weird feeling in me whenever he's around me. Now, I feel that stupid feeling all the time."

"What feeling is that?" Ranboo asked.

Ranboo didn't want to ask anymore. He felt bad for Tommy. Even though he didn't know what he was going through, for some reason he could sort of tell. He was sad that Tommy had to go through that and didn't even know how to control it.

"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels lonely, you know?" Tommy's voice sounded a little bit quiet and broken.

Ranboo wanted to hug his friend. He didn't like hearing his voice sound so broken. It sounded like he wasn't even himself anymore.

"Are...are you gonna be ok?" Ranboo asked, very concerned for Tommy.

"As long as Dream doesn't take full control of me." Tommy told him. "I don't know what he would do to me after I can no longer control myself."

Ranboo suddenly hugged the prince, shocking him. "I'll make sure you can never be controlled, ever." His voice sounded so warm and comforting.

Tommy slowly hugged the tall enderman back. He had hugged many people these past couple days, but none of them compared to this. He actually got comfort from this and didn't feel alone while hugging Ranboo.

The prince hoped that Ranboo was the right guy to trust. No one else had listened to him whenever he explained his thoughts to them. Ranboo seemed like the right one.

The two sat in that hug for a couple minutes, in silence, before going back on their walk to Tommy's room.

Once they got in the room, Ranboo and Tommy both though of more ways to help Tommy get rid of Dream. After a little while, Tommy was starting to give up.

"I don't think there is anyway to get rid of him anymore." Tommy said, hugging his knees tightly.

"You know, you can try meditation." Ranboo told him. "It helps me whenever I'm having memory troubles."

"I can try it, but I don't know if it will work." Tommy said, sitting down on the floor and crossing his legs.

"Don't you worry about anything." Ranboo said as he shut the curtains and lit some candles. "I'll make sure to watch over you while you do this. If you need any help, I'll be here."

Tommy closed his eyes and listened to Ranboo quietly walk around the room and helping him. He could feel himself slowly going away from reality.

It felt like he was alone in a little void. Tommy could feel someone sitting in front of him, even though his eyes were closed. When he opened them, he saw that he was alone in a void with Dream sitting in front of him, doing the exact same pose as him.

"D-Dream..." Tommy said.

"Tommy." Dream smiled.

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