Chapter 25

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"Tommy, what're you doing here?" Tubbo asked as he moved aside to let the prince crawl into his room through the window. "You're becoming king tomorrow. Shouldn't you get some sleep?"

Tommy fell onto the carpet with a thud. "As long as Wilbur doesn't tell anyone where I am, I should be good."

Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him into his feet. The prince wobbled a bit since his head was dizzy from hitting the ground like that. He rubbed his head while trying to remember what he was gonna tell his best friend.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Tubbo asked, making Tommy sit down on his bed.

Tommy looked up at his best friend. He always hated seeing a worried look, or even scared, staring down at him. That look was always something he saw in the castle a lot. Everybody was always looking at him like that. Sometimes he wished that no one looked at him like that all the time.

"I'm fine." Tommy said, letting off a little laugh.

That's when it clicked for him and he remembered what he was there for. Tommy quickly got up, almost falling over when he did that, and he grabbed Tubbo's hand, starting to crawl out the window again.

"Where are we going, Big man?" Tubbo asked, watching his friend jump out the window again and putting his hand up to help him down.

"This might be the last time we will get to hang out with each other." Tommy said, patiently waiting for Tubbo to jump out the window with him. "I say we make this an awesome night before I become he king."

Tubbo, still sitting on the window still, stared at Tommy for a little bit and then smiled. He jumped down from the window and put his arm around his best friend.

"Let's do it." Tubbo said with a smile still across his face.

A glint of mischief was in Tommy's eye. The prince grabbed Tubbo's hand and they both took off to the flower field.

That was the only place they ever felt safe. The flower field was the one place that they went to everyday together. It was just on the edge of the village border and it was a pretty big field, very isolated as well. In the light, the flowers were a very pretty blue, but in the dark, it was a very dark and gorgeous blue. That color always reminded Tommy of something, but he never knew what. Almost like someone once lost.

As they got closer, they could see the glow from the flowers glowing from the moon light. Soon they both would be safe once again.

"What are we gonna do when we get there?" Tommy could hear Tubbo ask from behind him.

"I'll show you." Tommy said.

They finally got to the field and ran to the middle. Tubbo and Tommy were both out of breath once they stopped, but it wasn't gonna stop them from having the best, last, night together.

Tommy plopped down in the flowers and patted the ground beside him. "Sit down, Tubbo."

"Ok. Ok." Tubbo giggled, sitting next to Tommy and staring up at the huge blue sky.

The night sky was filled with stars. It looked like the galaxy had opened up and shown down on just them. It almost felt like it was just them in this world. Almost like they were alone in the universe.

"That's beautiful." Tubbo told Tommy.

"It really is." Tommy spoke, wishing he could stare at this sky all night.

"It's so quiet." Tubbo said, looking behind him at the sleeping village.

"It is." Tommy said, also looking back at the village,something soon he would rule over.

It felt like the air saddened between them. It was never this quiet whenever they came here, ever. Maybe it was the fact that Tommy was becoming king tomorrow and there was a chance they would never talk to each again, was no other reason.

Tubbo turned around and look back up at the sky before he hugged his knees. "Tommy?"

Tommy turned and looked over at his saddened best friend. "Yes, Tubbo?"

"A-are you gonna forget about me?"

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