Chapter 32

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It had been an hour or so. Tommy sat there on the floor, waiting for the ceremony to begin. With every second he waited, the more anxious he got. He didn't even know what to do when he became the king.

How would he even rule over the kingdom?

Being the king wasn't even something he ever wanted to do. Tommy just wanted to be with Tubbo. He just wanted to live a peaceful life with his friends.


Tommy felt a small touch against his head. He looked up to see Philza smiling down at him. He knew what that face meant. And he wished that he could wait a bit longer.

"It's time, mate." Phil said softly, sitting down on his feet to meet Tommy at eye level.

Tommy stared blankly at him. "Do I have to?" Tommy asked.

"Don't worry." Phil said, patting the prince's head. "I'll be right by your side."

Tommy sighed and sat up. He looked over to the doors and saw that the guards were ready to open the doors. The person, to crown him king, was already outside and waiting for Tommy to join him. Technoblade stood off to the side and was also waiting. Ranboo had to wait inside, and Phil was gonna go with him.

The prince walked over to the doors and the guards opened them. He walked out onto the balcony and people cheered for him. Everyone below was yelling his name and excited for their prince to be a king.

A lump formed in Tommy's throat when he saw that crowd.

Tommy walked over and stood right next to the railing, looking down at everyone. He could hear the old man walk up behind him. The man took off Tommy's crown and handed it over to Technoblade.

"Loyal subjects of Antarctic Empire!" The man spoke with a loud and booming voice. "We are here today to crown our prince as king! After many years without a king, our kingdom has suffered! We have lost our loyal king, and loving queen to death when prince Tommy was very young! But now, we have hope!" The old man raised the king's crown over Tommy's head. "As of this day! I crown prince Tommy as our new king!" The crown was lowered and placed on Tommy's head. "Everyone welcome our new king, king Tommy!"

Everyone cheered and yelled his name. Tommy could hear Techno, Phil, and Ranboo clap from behind him.

This moment was so surreal. It felt so fake to stand above this subjects as the new king. He had amen his father's place. Tommy was no longer able to get to live his life as a kid anymore. He was no longer able to hang out with Tubbo anymore. He was no longer happy...

The king stared blankly at his subjects. He could feel a hand be placed on his shoulder. Tommy turned around to see Technoblade's smiling face. He looked like he was forcing a small smile.

"Congrats, king Tommy." Techno said, a regretful look on his face.

Philza walked over and patted into Tommy's back. He was smiling, but had the same look as Techno. They were both forcing themselves to smile. Both didn't want to see Tommy wearing that crown.

The new king looked down at the crowd. In the distance, he could see a small, and cheering, Tubbo.

Tubbo was jumping up and down, trying to get Tommy's attention. The boy was waving his arms wildly and acting like he was on fire. Tommy giggled in his head when he saw that. His best friend was cheering him on.

"King Tommy, it is time to head to the throne room." The other guard, Quackity, said.

Tommy nodded his head and followed him out.

Once Tommy got out into the hallway, Ranboo jumped on him and cheered his name. That made the king laugh a little bit, but it wasn't able to get rid of the sadness still deep in his heart.

All of them walked down to the throne room. They still had to wait for nobles and everyone else to get into the throne room for the big celebration. And that would take a little bit.

"King Tommy, where would you like to sit while we wait for everyone to get into the throne room." Sapnap asked.

Tommy thought about it for a little bit, then spoke. "I would like to go to the library.

Sapnap nodded and took them to the room. The guards waited by the door. Techno and Phil went and talked behind some bookshelves. Tommy and Ranboo, they just sat down on the floor.

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