Chapter 33

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"It's gonna be weird calling you king Tommy." Ranboo told Tommy.

The two were sitting on the floor and waiting for he party to begin.

Tommy was told that he was gonna get changed into royal clothes that were the colors of the kingdom, but he had to wait for them to come. Everyone had to wear the colors of the kingdom. Techno, Phil, Ranboo, and even the guards were wearing the colors, so was Wilbur and everyone else.

"It's gonna be weird to be called that." Tommy forced a fake giggle.

"I can imagine." Ranboo giggled, laying down on the floor.

Tommy laid down with him and stared at the ceiling. It had old paintings on it, that were from when the castle was first built. The old paintings were starting to peel and fall off. No one wanted to paint over it since it was a part of history. They had rebuilt the castle to look new, but they left that ceiling alone.

"Are you ever gonna have those painted over?" Ranboo asked.

"Nah, I like that it is old like that." Tommy said. "It kinda feels like history is still alive with us."

"Yeah...I guess you're right." Ranboo said.

The doors from the library opened and everyone looked to them. Wilbur walked in with two other girls. The two girls were carefully holding a blue and white suit with a long cape in the other arm. They all carefully placed it on one of the tables and smoothed it out.

Tommy sat up and walked over. He stared down at his silky and soft outfit.

The king carefully grabbed the suit and walked behind one of the bookshelves. He dressed into the outfit, not the cape just yet.

The suit had golden strings that went across his torso to the other side of the blue jacket and a white cloth underneath, it was connected to the jacket. The jacket went up onto his neck and was tight against it. The shoulders went up into small spikes. He had on blue pants and a sash that went across his chest from his left shoulder to his right hip. His pure golden crown still sitting on his head. His leather boots were also blue and almost went all the way up to his knees with his pants tucked inside.

Tommy walked out and everyone stared at him. He couldn't tell if it was from amazement or from regret. He walked over and watched the girls start to get the cape ready.

Tommy walked over and turned around. The girls placed the cape on his shoulders and hooked it to the other side with it's golden chain. The cape hunt loosely on his shoulders, but was still able to hang here. The cape must've been 10 feet long and had swirly imprints on it. That cape had finished the entire outfit.

Tommy looked over his shoulder and caught a glance of a sad Wilbur. Wilbur was very good at hiding his feelings, but Tommy had learnt to understand them from his posture.

Every time Wilbur was sad, he would keep one arm behind him and was trying to get himself to smile, but it wouldn't work and would often turn into a frown. Tommy didn't know why he did that, he just did.

"Wilbur? Are you alright?" Tommy asked, catching the mentor off guard.

"I...yes. I'm alright, Tommy." Wilbur said, he could feel his arm tighten behind his back.

You liar. Tommy wanted to tell Wilbur, but kept it to himself.

The king fixed the cape on his shoulders and nodded over to Technoblade, letting him know that he was ready to go. Techno nodded back and looked over at the two guards. The guards opened the door and let them pass.

As they all stepped out into the hallway, two more guards came and positioned themselves on both sides of Tommy. The other two guards, Quackity and Sapnap, positioned themselves to be on the end of the cape. All of them keeping any danger from ever coming near the new king.

Ranboo walked beside Tommy. He had promised to stay by his side during the entire event. That was a promise he was gonna keep.

They got to the throne room, and the guards there opened the door. Almost immediately, everyone's head turned to face their brand new king. The room was so crowded with people, all of them blending in with each other for wearing the same colors.

A new lump formed in Tommy's throat once he saw all the people. He had always hated large crowded areas. Now, he was gonna see it more often. And hopefully, he could survive.

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